The real issue is already going 3 months without source control.
The person didn’t have any git repository; probably a new programmer that didn’t know how version control works and just clicked discard without understanding what that means in this situation
I have heard things from another apprentice who just does not use version control at all and the only copies are on his laptop and on his desktop. He is also using node.js with only 1 class and doesn’t know about OOP (not sure if you even use that in js no clue 😅) and has one big file with 20k lines of code I have absolutely no clue how he navigates through it
Those are rookie numbers. I have at least a 35k one somewhere. More than one actually.
People run their businesses on this.
I once landed a job at a small company doing a software for medical analysis labs all over the country. Software had been around for over ten years at this point. They had no source control. Nothing. Absolute nightmare.
They were literally starting to use source control when I arrived.
In 2015.The “source control” when I first started was all the code on a shared drive, to check out a file you copied it to your machine, and renamed the extension on the shared drive to your initials.
When somebody edited without doing this there would be full blown meltdowns over lost work.
He just heard monoliths were in again
Ey! Reminds me of my middle-school years! I still can’t belive I made an entire game without a single class… Just storing info in arrays and writing in comments what location represents what data. But I was a literal child, too young to read guides or sit through “long” tutorials.
I don’t want to sound too mean, but whenever I see anything similar at work, I wish that person get a job they’re actually good at. It’s fine and all that the company started hiring actual programmers to fix things, but the fact that the old crew still fucks shit up with senior privileges is a major grievance.
I know the type. Usually the kind of confident know-it-all who refuses to learn anything but delivers changes really quickly so management loves them. I had the misfortune to fix such a project after that ‘rock-star’ programmer left the company. Unfortunately the lack of professional standards in our industry allows people like that to continuously fail upwards. When I left the project they rehired them and let them design the v2 of the project we just fixed.
My company for the longest time had two engineers they would give all the new projects to. They would rush through some prototype code as fast as they could then management would bring in a new team to take the project over. The code was always garbage and crammed into one place. I kept getting new projects and instead of starting from a nice clean slate we always had to build on that garbage. It sucked so bad.
When I left the project they rehired them and let them design the v2 of the project we just fixed.
Lol. Wow.
And that is why I’ve been unable to work myself out of a job in all my long years as a developer.
Jesus, reminds me of a similar story. My gf once lost a job to someone who literally just pasted code into LLMs, also delivering quickly, even tho it was hot garbage. Anyhow, she spent a lot of her time fixing his shit and so her output went down. I hope that company burns to the ground with completely un manageable software.
We really need some kind of board like the one that controls the title for engineers.
Reading this just give me a panic attack
In case anyone else is wondering, or simply doesn’t like reading screen shots of text, this is apparently a real report:
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Go near this fucking shit editor.
2.Commit the deadly sin of touching the source control options.
- Ignore the scary warning VS Code shows you when you press the button.
I dunno, “discard changes” is usually not the same as “delete all files”
Nowadays the warning even says that this cannot be undone. Maybe that wasn’t present in 1.15, though.
It was. If you go through the OP thread, one of the responses is a picture of the dialog window that this user clicked through saying, “these changes will be IRREVERSIBLE”.
The OP was just playing with a new kind of fire (VSCodes Git/source control panel) that they didn’t understand, and they got burned.
We all gotta get burnt at least once, but it normally turns us into better devs in the end. I would bet money that this person uses source control now, as long as they are still coding.
If the “changes” are all your files, discarding them for me means basically delete my files, you know, the ones you are trying to add.
At the same time, OP seems a layman, and might be coming from things like Microsoft Word, where “Discard all changes” basically means “revert to last save”.
EDIT: After reading the related issues, OP may have also thought that “discard changes” was to uninitialise the repository, as opposed to wiping untracked files.
What exactly do you think discard means?
“Changes” are not the same thing as “files”.
I’d expect that files that are not in version control would not be touched.
Yeah. That’s discussed in more detail in the code change that resulted from the issue report.
It’s a ballsy move by the VSCode team to not only include
git clean
but to keep it after numerous issue reports.As others discussed in that thread,
git clean
has no business being offered in a graphical menu where a git novice may find it.That said, I do think the expanded warning mesage they added addresses the issue by calling my out that whatever
may think, the user is about to lose some files.“Changes” encompass more than you think. Creating / Deleting files are also changes, not just edits to a file.
If the change is an edit to a tracked file, “Discard Changes” will reverse the edit. If the change is a new untracked file, “Discard Changes” will remove it as intended.
It can also be both at the same time, which is why VSCode uses “Changes” instead of “Files”.
If the change is a new untracked file
Wasn’t the issue that it deleted a bunch of preexisting untracked files? So old untracked files.
And the terminology is misleading, resulting in problems. shrug.
Apparently, it means changes to the directory structure and what files are in them, not changes within the files themselves. It really ought to be more clear about this.
It means both.
Yeah. They did substantially modify the message to make it much clearer, thankfully.
Having done exactly 0 research, I going to assume it’s one of those “DO NOT PRESS OKAY UNLESS YOU ARE EXPERIENCED AND KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING” and someone went “pffft I know what I’m doing. click now what does this option do…”
reading through it, it sounds like they opened a project in VSCode, and it saw that there was a local git repo already initialized, with 3 months of changes uncommitted and not staged. So the options there are to stage the changes (
git add
) to be committed or discard the changes (git checkout -- .
). I guess they chose the discard option thinking it was a notification and i guess the filename would be added to gitignore or something? Instead, it discarded the changes, and to the user, it looked like VSCode didrm -rf
and not that this was the behavior of git. Since the changes were never committed, evengit reflog
can’t save them.From this issue:
It appears that the behavior actually included a git clean. Which is insane in my opinion. Not sure if they changed it since, but there’s definitely a dev defending it.
It appears that the behavior actually included a git clean. Which is insane in my opinion.
Yeah. Building a convenient accessible context free way to run
git clean
…sure feels like the actions of someone who just wants to watch the world burn.Yeah, it’s unclear to me at the time if the dialogue box in the screenshot appeared when doing a select all operation, but it reads as though the OP dev didn’t understand git, discarded their work, and got upset that it was an option.
Realistically if the dialogue box appeared, I’m not sure there would be anything else the IDE could do to prevent the dev from themselves. Perhaps reject operations affecting 5000 files? But then you’ll just have someone with the same issue for 4000 files.
The issue I linked has a very good analysis of the UX issues and several suggestions for fixing these. They went with a minor iteration on the original message box, which not only includes a clearer message and the number of files affected, but also defaults to not touching untracked files (while preserving the option to delete untracked files as before).
He said they’re not going to change it, just make the dialog a lot more clear and add a second button to it that will only do a reset without the clean.
The second button is actually a pretty major change!
4. Complain about lack of a scary warning.
Pretty sure the scary warnings in big bold text are more recent than this report.
Nope. The scary warning is even screenshotted and used as an example in the post report discussion.
It’s quite the fun read!
The dude ranted for awhile in the issue thread and closed the issue himself too! lol
This link was included in the post but I realize that “source” was probably not the best label for it. Updated to make it more clear.
Typical web developer. He didn’t even know files can be deleted without going into „recycle bin”
Why are we dissing web developers? What is this bullshit elitism?
I think it’s a joke about how noobs only learn javascript and make blazing fast webapps while knowing nothing about computers.
Doing a
git clean
is a dick move.The user clicked an option to “discard” all changes. They then got a very clear pop-up saying that this is destructive and cannot be undone (there’s a screenshot in the thread).
I very much understand how one can think this would revert any changes done to files under version control but not delete the ones that are not. I believe this dialog has since been updated to explicitly state that fact.
Yes, the dialog was changed, as part of this linked issue (and maybe again after that; this whole incident is very old). After reading some of the comments on that issue, I agree with the reasoning with some of the commenters that it would be less surprising for that menu option to behave like
git reset --hard
and not delete tracked files.
Yeah, real developers do
git clean -dxf
Why are they messing with the source control options when they’re not using source control? Perhaps learn about stuff before you start clicking buttons and performing delete operations on your super critical files?
I agree with the “learn the CLI”, but to newcomers I’ll also suggest to look at the IDE/editor’s output channel - if there’s GUI for Git, there are also most likely logs for what’s happening under the hood - even if a little noisy, it can be a good learning resource. And of course if you’re learning and unsure of what’s happening (with the CLI or through a GUI), do so in a non-destructive manner (by having proper backups).
Same account that complained about the christmas santa hat
Link? It being “ghost” just means the user has been deleted so I can’t actually go looking.
Looks like someone forgot about the 3-2-1 rule. Teachable moment.
Go on…
This person lost 3 months of work because they couldn’t be assed to backup their data despite having three months to do so.
Never trust an OS, or a piece of software, to protect you. Protect yourself.
3 backups: 2 different places/media on-site 1 off-site
deleted by creator
Yes, but the OP went 3 months without it and then messed up during setup
What about 2 offsite and 1 onsite? That’s been my approach, mostly due to storage limitations onsite.
As long as the off-site isn’t the same location or method of access, that’s generally fine. Essentially, you want to make sure you have a way to get at the data no matter what happens.
Fire/damage on location: pull off-site such as online backup Internet down: pull hardware based backup
Contingency plans, essentially
deleted a chunk of my work the other day by pressing Ctrl z in windows explorer. my project was without source control installed (cuz it was in Dev stage), and Ctrl shit z/Ctrl y hotkeys didn’t work, so that chunk was just gone, persished forever… or so I though. I remembered vs code having a file history under some panel. found it, and here it was - at least some of the latest history of my file. lesson learned: even in Dev where nothing is yet working, finish your day of coding with a commit to a remote repo.
deleted by creator
Makes no sense to me. I’ve never had a single problem. Best ide I’ve ever used.
I begrudgingly switched to vscode a few years ago. I’ve never had any issues like this with it. My only issues have been with a plugin that I installed optionally (and that was later fixed by the plugin author).
You can avoid this problem by not doing version control in your code editor. Different programs for different purposes. VS Code is fine for editing code and should not be used to manage an entire project.
(VS)Code(ium) is great. (VSCode is MS fork of the OSS Codium.) It’s a popular editor with a lot of plugin for just about every language. It has an integrated console. It can do basic Version control (and you can use the console for anything more). It’s my favorite editor/IDE (not technically and IDE, at least out of the box). Just don’t do things you don’t understand. It’s that simple. The OP fucked around, and they found out what it does the hard way. It’s really easy to use if you have a basic understanding of things though.
/((vs)|(visual ?studio)):? ?(cod(e|ium)?)/igm
Viscose is absolutely fine.
Most of these comments can be reduced to either
I use CLI by the way…
Hating on vscode because it’s Microsoft product and for no other reason.
A Gitlab/GitHub account is free. Vscode absolutely lets you type git commands if you prefer that, The GUI only provides access to the most common actions you will do. And I could be wrong on this, but I feel like the discard button does prompt the user that the files will be permanently deleted and you have to click okay. But maybe that only applies to tracked files, not sure off the top of my head.
Nah you gotta submit a bug report for that
Every new project for me starts with setting up git. There’s no reason not to. It takes seconds.
In reality, VSCode has local file history called “Timeline”. It’s enabled by default.
In reality, that was added four and a half years after this issue was opened.
Oh, didn’t notice this was a 7 year old issue.
Understandable; no time to check details when your fuse is that short
Poor guy basically did a git reset —hard HEAD without even a git repository
Even reset hard wouldn’t delete untracked files. This was a complete overreach by the GUI, performing a
(and likely a forced one, as git’s requireForce defaults to true).And they did rectify that eventually, giving a warning, and an option to simply reset. It’s unfortunate this poor person had to be the trigger for that change.
If you ever happen to have 5000 uncommitted files, you shouldn’t be asking yourself if you should commit more often. You should be asking yourself how many new repos you should be making.
This is without gitignore, so probably just installed one js dependency
The person didn’t have any git repository; probably a new programmer that didn’t know how version control works and just clicked discard without understanding what that means in this situation.
Just curious, git doesn’t touch untracked files though?
git clean
does. Turns out VSCode did a clean with that GUI option at that time, not sure of current behaviour.‘git reset’ won’t. ‘git clean’, on the other hand, most certainly does. Even then you have to --force it by default, to prevent an accidental clean.
This person is why we have that meme where devs would rather struggle for a week than spend a few hours reading the documentation.
I feel bad for this kid. That really is a bad warning dialog. Nowhere does it say it’s going to delete files. Anyone who thinks that’s good design needs a break.
Half the replies are basically “This should be obvious if your past five years of life experience is similar to mine, and if it isn’t then get fucked.” Just adding insult to injury.
Came here to say this. No one deserves this, not even new programmers who try to learn things.
Some programming tools are really powerful compared to what new users are used to. If you come from the world of Microsoft Office and Apple whatever it’s called, everything is saved automatically to cloud and there is some local backup file somewhere which you can just restore. Modern programs are designed to protect users against their own mistakes, and when suddenly that is taken away, it can be a jarring experience.
Also, why not send them to the recycle bin? I never really thought about it before, but that does seem a reasonable UX improvement for this case
I wonder if there’s already a git extension to automatically stash the working tree on every clean/reset/checkout operation…
Because “the underlying Git nukes them right away, so why shouldn’t we perma-delete the files, too?”
Anything else’d be effort…
Honestly it probably just runs the underlying git command
I’m not great at English, but “discard all changes” shouldn’t ever mean “Delete”.
In the context of version control it does. Discarding a change that creates a file means deleting the file.
Ok fair enough, but I’m under the impression these files existed before the source control was implemented.
I guess it’s all up to how the program handles existing files.
I guess the newly created git repository was empty, and all the files that was present in the folder represented “changes”
If you have set up your staging area for a commit you may want to discard (unstage) changes from the staging area, as opposed to discarding changes in the working directory.
Of course, the difference between the two is obvious if you’re using git CLI, but I can easily see someone using a GUI (and that maybe isn’t too familiar with git) misunderstanding “discard” as “unstage”.
Either way, what happened here indicates that all the files were somehow added to the VC, without having been committed first, or something like that, because git will not let you discard a file that is untracked, because that wouldn’t make any sense. The fact that the GUI let this person delete a bunch of files without first committing them to the index is what makes this a terrible design choice, and also what makes the use of the word “discard” misleading.
“Discard” is not a git operation.
the alternative to deleting is emptying the file contents, which is essentially the same…
I’m pretty sure vscode shows a confirmation dialog when discarding changes will permanently delete a file. I’ve done that recently with temporary files that were no longer needed.
Did you even read the thread?
I remember following the drama back in the day. That warning you saw was the result of this now-classic bug report.
If you’re going to use a git tool, you need to know how git works.
There are 0 excuses for not having months of work in a repo, none. I have no sympathy whatsoever. How the fuck do you spend so many months without backing up your project or stuffing it in a repo?
No sympathy. Dude is a shit developer and he learned an invaluable lesson.
My guess is that this is a teenager, and this is probably their first experience with git and version control in general. Just a hunch.
Anyway, it is reasonable to expect a mainstream GUI app from one of the largest companies in the world to be approachable for people who do not know all the inner workings of the command line tools that are used behind the scenes. And it is reasonable to expect any destructive action to have clear and bold warnings. “Changes will be discarded” is not clear. What changes? From the user’s perspective, the only changes were regarding version control, so “discarding” that should leave them where they started — with their files intact but not in version control.
Have mercy on the poor noobs. We were all there once.
If you’re going to use a git tool, you need to know how git works.
I guarantee you at least half of git users would get glossy eyes as soon as you mention blobs and trees, yet they all still manage to use it daily successfully.
There are 0 excuses for not having months of work in a repo, none. I have no sympathy whatsoever. How the fuck do you spend so many months without backing up your project or stuffing it in a repo?
I need you to listen to me very carefully: THEY WERE FUCKING SETTING UP A REPO WHEN THIS HAPPENED.
No, by his own admission, he was playing around with the IDE. He wasn’t interested in the version control, he was interested in the pretty editor.
I suggest you go read the original issue.
It’s so fucking infuriating that so many devs act like this. “This should’ve been obvious!” Fuck off, that’s an unhelpful statement. “You should’ve been using version control! No backup, no sympathy!” Fuck off, they were literally trying to begin using version control for backups.
Even half the comments on this very Lemmy thread are disparaging this dev. I wonder how many actually read the thread and found that there was a bug discovered causing this feature to delete files not even associated with git?
But, congratulations to them, I suppose. Congratulations on making fun of someone. I hope it makes them feel powerful. 🙄 Devs can be so toxic.