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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You’re being down voted, but I want to add in that terrorism is a word used by the ruling class to tell you who to hate. When the state (usually, although this case didn’t exempt them) uses violence and fear, that’s the good kind of violence and fear. When a non-state actor uses it, it’s terrorism. The only thing that separates “justified force” from “terrorism” is if the ruling class wants you to like it or not. For example, look at what the IDF is doing. It somehow isn’t terrorism just because they’re a state who’s in favor with the ruling class?

  • I would argue they don’t know what that means really. Assembly is pretty much a mapping of words to machine code. It’s just a way to make machine code easier to read. It doesn’t actually change how it works.

    A compiler re-arranges and modifies things so what you write isn’t the same as the final program that is created. With assembly it is. It’s not really an abstraction, but a translation. It doesn’t move you further from the machine, it only makes it so you’re speaking the same language.

  • If you want some modern day fun with this, try the Zachtronics programming games; TIS-100, Shenzhen I/O, and Exapunks.

    Or, my personal favorite I only discovered somewhat recently, try Turing Complete. You start by designing all your logic gates from just a negate gate IIRC. You eventually build up an ALU and everything else you need and then create your own computer. Then you define your own assembly language and have to write programs in your assembly language that run on the computer you’ve designed to complete different tasks. It’s a highly underrated game, although it takes a certain type of person to enjoy.

  • This is pedantic, but assembly languages get “assembled” to machine code. This is somewhat similar to higher level languages being “compiled,” which eventually becomes assembly which gets assembled. The major reason why these are different is because a compiler changes the structure of the code. Assembly is a direct mapping to instructions. It just converts the text into machine code directly, which is why it’s easy to go from machine code to assembly but decompiling doesn’t give you identical results to the original source code.

    Also, binary and hexadecimal are just different ways to view the same binary data and aren’t different things. There is only “machine code” which is a type of binary data but you can view binary with any arbitrary base, though obviously powers of 2 work better.

  • OK, I think maybe you should take some time before you respond.

    I never claimed to be a victim.


    You might read the order of comments here and notice that people are attacking me…

    What do we call someone who is the subject of an attack?

    I think you’ve got to just give up arguing this. You made a mistake, which is fine if we own up to it and don’t repeat it. In the future, don’t dismiss protests because of perceived damage that you don’t actually have any knowledge of. You aren’t going to win the argument here, which shouldn’t be your goal, but you can prevent yourself from making the same mistake in the future.