• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • Wow, I really appreciate you taking the time. I’m bookmarking this. Thanks, Dan!

    As I look to upgrade or re-factor the server a bit, I’m gonna take a closer look at Podman. Not running as root by default sounds extremely sensible!

    I tried that with a few of my Docker containers with results ranging from “Did it actually do it?” to “Nice job breaking it, hero.” Lol

    OMV has a really nice Docker GUI built in, but I’d much rather be ready to understand the open-for-all solution if I could. :)

    Hope you have a great one!

  • Lutris is cool! It definitely streamlines the process of running things with WINE.

    It could have gone through some major changes since I’ve tried it, but I found Heroic to be just a bit more plug-and-play in the sense that it handled the fancy Galaxy stuff like auto-updates, play-time stats, achievements, and cloud saves.

    Literally just click install and go, like a drop-in replacement for Galaxy.

    I also like that you can choose a Linux build (if it exists) or a windows-with-Proton approach depending on the game.

    The only game issue I had was Undertale’s Linux build that had a bit of dependency hell and wouldn’t start…so flipping it to EXE-with-Proton worked like a charm.

    Coolest part though? You can totally have both.

    I’d personally use Lutris for things like old games that aren’t from digital platforms, or for RetroArch.

    I like Heroic for managing cloud saves and handling achievements with GoG titles.

    Either way, both are viable and you’ll get your games running somehow! Just different approaches. No harm in seeing which you like most!

    Random ProTip while we’re at it: If you couch game, you don’t need to give that up with Linux either! Steam Link can be its own separate program from Steam itself, so it runs a lot leaner. If you have an Nvidia card you can also check out Sunlight/Moonlight for game streaming.

    We truly live in exciting times. Happy gaming. :)

  • Meme gave me a laugh. XD

    I see people not happy with Docker as a company, and, I get that, tech co. Lol

    But I gotta admit, it’s definitely been awesome for self hosting. My home server would probably just be OpenMediaVault and a Samba share if I couldn’t just spin up compose files and had to worry about every app wanting its own database and stuff!

    Are there better alternatives for newbs who just wanna self host stuff?

  • Haha so many times I’ve heard stuff playing that sounds catchy in like random sandwich shops, and hunt down where I can get a clear detection on it.

    It’s actually pretty impressive what the average smartphone mic can pick up … For better and worse. =\

    But I’ve found some favorite songs that way. It beats the old days of trying really hard to discern some words in the lyrics and hoping a search engine would help!

  • MonkeMischief@lemmy.todaytoMemes@lemmy.mlsigh...
    15 days ago

    It has nothing to do with fun, they just want the carrot being dangled in front of their nose.

    This might explain the marketing that seemed to start with mobile games and now infects AAA MP titles:


    Like…a newcomer would have zero idea what the heck they’re even talking about but somehow it seems to work, to entice players with worthless free…server database adjustments?

    Hardly any focus is on the games being unique or exciting (Surprise, they aren’t!) It’s all about a reward-based impulse, like training a bunch of rodents to use a casino.

  • if they changed the workflow to be like Photoshop, it would leave those of us who know how to use Gimp but not Photoshop high and dry

    That’s a VERY good point. I think a good example would be how Blender has evolved in the last decade or so.

    It started out very “in-house” and unconventional, but it had very specific UX principles in mind rather than just aping “ThE iNdUsTrY”. Coming from learning 3D MAX to OG pre-3.5 Blender was really difficult. Right-click select?!

    But like Blender, I feel like GIMP could benefit from having easily adjustable settings that could line up with what a particular user finds intuitive. Certain layer behavior seems to be the big one here. The settings are there, they’re just awkwardly small buttons or buried in menus.

    (Adding the universal transform tool was a VERY nice jump in the right direction.)

    Blender’s UI / UX overhaul caused a bit of screeching, but overall was instrumental in balancing accessibility with familiarity to existing users. It made those options very accessible and modular.

    For instance, I always use left-click-select, but I use the “Blender way” for everything else. If someone’s coming from Maya? There’s the “industry standard keymap” for them.

    Sorry for the ramble. LOL