They know, that’s the point.
Pro-lifers do not care a single bit
I know I’m probably wrong here, and I’m willing to be better informed, but I don’t like the phrasing of abortion as mere “birth control,” as if it were equal to methods that prevent conception or implantation.
Do people really feel it’s not a different sort of act, or would people be comfortable using abortion as their sole means of birth control (if it were safe and inconsequential to the woman)? And yes, I understand that the morning after pill is something of a gray area.
Also yes, I am a Christian. But I understand that there are good reasons for abortion remaining legal.
Abortion is, by definition, a form of birth control, but I don’t think most people would ever consider it to be equal to other forms of controlling birth. However, let’s not forget that for a lot of people abortion is quite literally the only birth control they may have access to, and even that access may come at huge risk. There are often family, social, religious (this is the big one), or cultural pressures that get in the way of accessing contraceptives until it is too late.
Absolutely understand, and while it’s hard for me to believe that anyone doesn’t know about condoms, a religious person who chooses abortion over condoms really makes me scratch my head.
But I guess you mean a kid living in a “religious” household. Man, I wish there was a way to communicate to kids that feeling your old enough for sex means feeling you’re old enough to make good decisions about preventing pregnancy.
I mean frankly the whole thing’s just too damn big for me. My heart goes out to everyone who finds themselves with these kinds of choices.
Yeah, I was getting at living in a religious household, but I can say from experience that it goes far deeper than that. There is way too often a toxic and parasitic mentality that constantly says things like birth control are evil and aren’t to be talked about. When that kind of thinking permeates every aspect of one’s life or community, it can make it difficult, humiliating, or outright dangerous for people to seek out things like contraceptives.
Also, I know this thinking doesn’t hold true of all religious folks, and it’s refreshing to see someone genuinely curious and asking questions rather than judging automatically, so thank you.
You’re making some huge assumptions about the quality of sex and health education that those kids have had access to. It’s easy to point a finger and say, well you should be more responsible, but the reality is that adolescents are still learning and developing. So even with great education, they make bad decisions. They won’t have adult brains until their early to mid 20s. And there’s no reason why those decisions should ruin lives, when modern medicine can resolve the dilemma in minutes.
In other words, you’re making an argument for much better and more widely available sex and health education. Which religious types are likely to oppose. Can’t have it both ways- either the kids are fully informed and made an error, or their guardians failed them and set them on a track with a veil of ignorance.
Well depends what you mean by birth control… is it a way to prevent pregnancy or children?
Since birth is in the name i’d say the term is better suited for referring to anything preventing the birth of a children. But what the term refers to has no barring on what’s happening.
It never meant people don’t make a difference. Any reasonable women knows and feel the difference.
The fact it’s less safe and has worse effects on your health is just another way we realize how serious an abortion is. It will never be inconsequential even if it was safe.
Please do not to trust anyone who says people disagree with this. They all have a political reason to lie.
Abortion as birth control is a lie they’ve been harping on for decades. No one does that. No one says, “Aw crap! Preggers again, off to the abortionplex!”
I’ve impregnated two women that had abortions. I won’t go into the details, but we talked about it, decided to do it, and they were both emotionally crushed. The second woman lost her ability to ever have children from the procedure.
Abortion is not a thing to be taken lightly, and no one does.
And thanks for sticking your neck out and asking around here. Surprised you weren’t excoriated.
It’s just another way Lemmy isn’t Reddit. If you try not to be an ass about it, you can ask just about anything.
No need to sound like a political science textbook. Birth control means you don’t have to get pegnorate!
The folk wanting to restrict it probably don’t want to respect autonomy too much.
Ban it
The worst part is draconic abortion bans also hurt those trying to have children. No one’s getting recreational third trimester abortions. You picked out a name, painted the nursery. Late term abortions are tragedies to all parties, and only ever happen because of life threatening conditions.
I wouldn’t want to plan a child when any complication could mean death.
How is this a meme?
Ikr? Lemmy is 99% stuff like this, when really all i want to do on here is laugh
Yes. It gets tiring. There aren’t even breaks in between “zomg! Look what trump and friends are doing! We are so much better” memes over and over and over and over.
A meme (/miːm/ ⓘ; MEEM) is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme. A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices, that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate, and respond to selective pressures. In popular language, a meme may refer to an Internet meme, typically an image, that is remixed, copied, and circulated in a shared cultural experience online.
It’s not and such content should be banned from memes. But Lemmy has nearly no moderation on validity of content. Tbh, I like Reddit a lot better in many ways except for the asshole admins. It has problems, but still lot better controlled than here.
One issue (and hear me out, I do support abortions, birth control and bodily autonomy!) is that, once given a choice when and how to reproduce, people don’t do it as much.
Having pleasure of sex without consequences is screwing the natural incentives for reproduction.
Whether we like it or not, there should be something to support fertility if we don’t want to end up in a population crisis, with a few young folks supporting the ever growing army of the elderly.
Now, this should NOT be laws prohibiting abortions, or banning any sort of contraception, but there should be some incentives for people to go, and, well, make babies.
Fixing the financial clusterfuck and letting people live in a bright and predictable world where they know their tomorrow will be good is certainly one way, but I’m afraid it’s not enough. What could be the other options? I’m interested in people’s opinions.
JD, is this you?
I’ll start worrying about the “population crisis” when there are no more orphans because they’ve all been adopted.
What do you mean by population crisis?
In the world it’s the other way around, the demographics are still booming.
You know what came before having better birth control and lower birth rates in most developed countries, medicine and lower death rate. In most of them now both are pretty close (most because there are exceptions like Japan).
I’m not really sure i see a problem with a slight decrease in population in a place where there is already a lot of people.
Demographics is mostly booming in underdeveloped countries, with some exceptions. It is likely many of them will follow the same path going forward, and UN predictions expect just that, as far as I remember. For developed countries, the fertility rate typically sits somewhere around 1,5-1,7, significantly below 2,1 required to have a stable population. I could of course cite something like South Korea with 0,8, but that’s an obvious outlier. It’s bad enough as it is.
As the world remains divided, this will likely exacerbate the issue for particular countries with lower birth rate. Immigration is one answer, but it doesn’t always cover the population loss, and immigrants are likely to send a lot of their income back home anyway (again, this is absolutely not a case against immigrants, I for one welcome them).
Evening out population growth over time would go a long way to maintain a healthy future.
You still are a wage slave paying rent to a landed lord.
Better than committing another soul to the same fate.
Not so funny.
Birth control is nothing more than a form of medical technology. People against birth control and abortion(also medical technology) are Medical Luddites.
They must be afraid of losing their jobs at crisis pregnancy centers, or be afraid they won’t be allowed to shame young single mothers anymore.
Either they are afraid of losing jobs, or afraid of not having hot single moms in their area. Make a pick
Doesn’t not having sex do that a little better tho? Like i totally get the point, but also, having sex gives chance of baby right? So, don’t do it unless you ready? Maybe I’m wrong.
No, you’re not “maybe wrong”. You’re absolutely and completely wrong seen as abstinence only programs have been shown over and over again to be ineffective. It’s a sad attempt at policing people’s desire for sex
Sex is a basic human need. Having a child isn’t. You need to know you are compatible with your partner sexually or it will lead to tons of strife in a relationship. So not having sex unless you are asexual or a version of it isn’t an option.
Sex is a basic human need.
Humans do not die if they don’t have sex.
Humans also do not die when they are shackled and locked in a dark room for years or decades, as long as you feed them. How is you argument sounding now?
Still better than ignoring the millions of people throughout history who haven’t had sex and lived long happy lives.
Almost sounds like it’s fine when people choose, but is a problem when people are forced. Odd
There are people who don’t choose but still are still fine.
If what you’re saying is true Tom Hanks would have died of lack of sex on that island.
Or I’d have died in the six years between going through puberty and having sex. Or the five years later on when I didn’t have sex but wanted to.
“People need sex” is borderline incel shit.
I can tell you’re just going to need some months or years to think it over.
Logically, yes. But humans aren’t purely logical. They’re gonna have sex without access to birth control, even if they don’t want a kid. Not all of them, but a lot of them. So why not just let them have both control?
People fuck for various reasons. Taking away people’s access to contraception doesn’t stop that, it merely makes it more likely they’ll have kids.
Abstinence only programs have shown themselves again and again to just produce teen pregnancies and STDs. Contraception, generally, is the best way to keep yourself from producing a child and the people who are against it tend to be the type of people who want the state to get into your bedroom.
I’ve been told by multiple people that if men do not have sex they become fascists.
So, no, not having sex is apparently not an option.
You have the same worldview and understanding of human sexuality of an 8 year old.
Either your ridiculously naive or just straight up an idiot. Possibly both.
Jesus fucking Christ. I’ve never read anything so dumb on the internet. And I saw Trump get elected. Twice.
There are only two reasons any post-pubescent human isn’t having sex:
They can’t find anyone to fuck them.
They’re legitimately asexual. (A rare thing. And no lemmy, just because you’re not getting laid doesn’t make you “asexual”.)
Absolutely. Which is exactly the reason they want to take it away from you.
you forgot tho funny part
Memes don’t have to be jokes
Name another unfunny one so I can back you on that
Memes don’t have to be funny to be a meme.
I’m backing you now.
Memes don’t have to be funny to be a meme.
Yeah, as long as they deliver a message that is politically Democrat, then it belongs here.
Fun is no longer an option for this feed.