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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Actually statistics show that an encounter with a bear is orders of magnitude more dangerous than an encounter with a man. Obviously. I encounter 1000s of men as I was down the street and I’m not dead yet.

    Yes, it’s very unlikely to run into a bear. But if that’s the point you’re making, you’re missing the predicate of the question where the encounter is already assumed.

  • I think hyper polarization is one of the greatest societal issues we face currently. Whether it be war of genders, politics, etc. We are losing the calm middle ground that should be the majority without outside influence.

    It’s so incredibly easy to polarize. We see it in this thread too. The top of this comment thread is a polarization too. Essentially dividing men into 2 distinct set of groups. You’re either good or a villain. This dichotomy is ridiculous and every social community eats it up like crazy, this Lemmy included. These create effects of over abundance, as you mention of caution, fear and hate.

    If anyone actually thinks that they’d be better off with an encounter with a wild bear than a man, they’re just stupid and insane. Just walking down the street, I encounter 1000s of men. If there were 1000s of bears, I’m sure no one would go there. But we’re not appealing to logic. We’re appealing to feelings that’s been derived from these polarizations and sadly I see no way for this to end.

  • I haven’t been part of the modding scene for a while now. But most likely, none of their public APIs were changed. Naturally, I could be wrong since I didn’t read the patch notes, but that’s typically not where it goes wrong.

    Many modder, and I mean many, do not find Bethesda’s provided APIs to be sufficient for their goals. So people extend those APIs further with their own libraries and scripting engines. Then other modders build on top of that extensions. These work against the binary code of the game and contain a list of pointer addresses in binary. So even the smallest changes to the game binary ends up making all of these extensions to stop working.

    These mods have a headache anytime any kind of updates are pushed. It’s an API thing, but it’s not the API Bethesda made.

  • First of all, this comment chain is about being able to keep tabs on someone without storing information locally on the user’s computer. If we create a new form of session ID equivalent that doesn’t store information locally, I have achieved the goal to the problem that was raised. The issue wasn’t whether or not we needed concept of something equivalent to a session ID.

    […] will need to include that session ID passed back to the server.

    Yes, that’s exactly what we used to do in the '00s. Look at softwares like osCommerce v1 and 2. We literally put money behind this method of tracking.

    And this talk about IP addresses is complete nonsense because of Proxies and NAT and a ton of other reasons. You can attempt to use it in combination with a session ID, but you certainly cannot use that alone.

    Yes, you can use that alone. Without session ID. The other commenter already addressed why this isn’t true. Also context matters. Pretty close is a good enough of a session ID replacement for purpose of tracking whether or not they consented to the cookie policy. If I did a concat of IP, and various fingerprints (and put a hash on it to make it shorter), I can easily reach one in trillion probabilities. I wouldn’t build a secure military website on it because it’s easily forgeable, but it’s more than enough for cookie policy popup.

  • Grumpy@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    Besides using session cookies, they can track user agent and IP address. The two in combination will be unique enough. There are further metrics to make a unique identifier, but I think this is sufficient explanation.

    Edit: Seems like people who don’t know how to program besides super default methods are downvoting me.

    You don’t need cookies to hold session ID. If you programmed in the earlier days, you’d actually even know cookie session wasn’t even the most common method before. For example, session ID can be passed around in the URL as another query parameter. You can even literally turn off cookie option in sessions in languages like PHP (ex: https://www.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.use-cookies). These kind of practice is still relatively quite common as it allows greater flexibility and not have your session ID bound to a domain.

    Furthermore, you don’t have to be restricted by the confines of whatever existing tools you already have. Like in the example I gave at the beginning, you can create your own unique identifiers. You don’t have to use preexisting concept of session at all. If you can create any unique key-value pair, you can track and keep data without the use of sessions. Programmers are hired to create things that never existed before, be more creative.

  • They’re all referring to corn subsidies.

    If you grow corn with subsidy and then sell that corn as livestock feed to cows, then you’ve indirectly further subsidized beef.

    Though… this viewpoint is partly misleading people. Corn stalks and pith which humans can’t eat and need ruminant animals to process is what gets fed to them. We don’t always feed corn kernels to cows en masse, though many farms do. If they can find a buyer for the kernel for other consumption (human, fructose syrup, etc), they will sell it that way as it is more profitable. So even if it wasn’t subsidized and we only produce high priced corn for humans, we’d still feed the stalks and pith to cows.

  • Grumpy@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlPlane goes brrrr
    9 months ago

    It is actually a deliberate corp strategy. Plastic straws were never a real concern, save for that ONE turtle. Plastic straw make such a negligible amount of plastic waste that stop using it will have virtually zero measurable impact in amount of plastic waste we create. All it ever was intended for was to make us feel like something was being done while doing absolutely nothing.

    That’s not to say all plastic reduction initiatives are pointless. But the straws definitely belong in the least environmentally impactful category.

  • Sure, I’ll play this game.

    The premise of the convincing is loaded. No one deserves shit. Steven Crowder made the format famous and therefore he is attributed to it.

    Whether or not the person is a piece of shit is irrelevant and ad hominem. If Hitler said 1 + 1 = 2, Hitler is right. You don’t get to deny that just because you hate the person. Shitty people can make correct statements and they can achieve things. Doesn’t matter which name we apply to it. We must be able to argue on the merits of the statement or format without sorting to personal feelings on the person, lest you become the one who is intolerant.