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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • Funkytom467@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlThree Wishes
    20 days ago

    It’s not mutually exclusive, but both priorities the opposite value.

    Socialism wants equality, wich can impede personal freedom and the private property that is a big part of our comfort.

    Now I don’t think communist state are gathering intelligence because it’s the ideology. They do it it because they are dictatorial, because it’s the only way to unsure the power.

    See despite how it seems attractive to us living in rich countries, most of them are plagued by poverty and have a poor economy, wich makes communism not a solution to anything. But dictatorship, violence and radical ideologies does work to keep the power, hence the systematic cohabitation of the two.

    For a rich country like the US, well the transition to communism is categorically not realistic. But i think it could theoretically work better than most exemple of communism so far, I think the richer a country is the better it will work.

    In the meantime nothing is stopping us from going towards more social policies, be inspired and driven to socialism. Wich can also have compromise.

  • Science is a method to find truth by telling us how to construct proofs.

    What we call rationality in general, in which science is based on, is to use proof to believe in something.

    Whereas faith and so religion is believing without proof.

    So as a scientist you do believe in any theory that has been proven. And of course you change your beliefs with each new information.

    Believing isn’t just a word we use for religion, it also means to accept something is true.

    I don’t think most scientists were religious, but for the one that were, people are never coherent, they can use science for some beliefs and religion for others even if that’s contradictory.

    As for moral, i didn’t explicitly say it’s science, because it isn’t, it’s philosophy. But scientists that don’t want to believe in God and his morals have created other philosophies and morals.

    Some based on the same premise of rationality as science. For which science can even be a tool.

    Conversely the foundation of science always was motivated by philosophical questions about reality. And it’s application always had concerned about morals.

    P.S. I don’t have faith, and i do think most current religions have bad morals and are just manipulative organizations. But most religious people are not part of them, most of them are good people. Their faith isn’t a problem for me or anyone, and can even be good driving force.

  • They do overlap in their goals.

    God is the creator of the universe science describe. God itself, if he existed, would be a topic of science.

    Science is answering our pondering about our place in the universe. We can also be scientists and create a moral belief system that’s not based on God.

    Separating them is part of the compartmentalization we do to avoid conflict or our self contradictions.

    Fundamentalists in both religion and atheism think the other view is wrong and should not exist. That’s very different from just recognizing we have different point of views.

    And atheists aren’t all such morons to think religion is such a problem. Most atheist can respect religious people as long as they’re not fundamentalist.

  • I get that, went through it myself and i’ve known plenty of people in that case.

    What got me into programming is learning c++ to make games. I started the summer after high school when i didn’t have any work left.

    But my programming skills became useful for my job though. If it’s not for you I get you would rather look for a job.

    Good luck with your work my friend.