how are they paying for the hosting?
Donations and NLNet grant, you can support Pixelfed yourself
Really enjoying Pixelfed. In fact I have found it’s fairly smooth going replacing Meta apps and Twitter.
Is this platform from that aggressive guy who has mental problems?
I just read all that along with the “dossier” they compiled and it seemed pretty weak in my view. Yeah, the guy sounds a little bit passive-aggressive, but I think “mental problems” is way too strong an evaluation. That dossier is almost exclusively one-sided too, as in, we only see his posts, and not the context of what he was responding to. Many many people could be made to look bad if only their responses were posted without context. This seems like the worse kind of Fedidrama. I wish I could have the time I spent reading that back.
Absolutely NO sexuality explicit content. This includes, but not limited to, images/videos/chat around sexual acts. There are other places on the internet for this.
😥 -> Adult 😉
Seems fair. There are many places for erotic/porn content on the web. And for a federated network it is good to not force instance owners to manage avoiding the hosting of nudity by federating it.
Nudity isn’t inherently sexual, and they pointedly have not mentioned it in the quoted text. It sounds like only explicit sexual content is forbidden, not nudity.
I do think even this is an overreach for a federated network, though, assuming Pixelfed is enforcing this on all instances (is that even possible?). It should be on the instance owners to make that decision. I couldn’t find where the quoted text is sourced from, however.
Someone could just start a NSFW version, right?
There’s an “Adult” section in’s instance list
Fortunately we have PMs, right?
Are they spying on my chats? How would they know its contents?
Unless E2EE is implemented - the service owner can see all the messages, as they are stored in plain text.
So there’s no E2EE on pixelfed?
Is that like a federated version of flikr?
I think it’s supposed to be like old instagram.
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I hope they also add a feature for short video clips. integration wen?
oooooOOOOOoooo!!! I didn’t even know about this. But yes.
you gotta keep ’em separated
did you know the singer for the offspring came up with that line when he was working in lab- he was making petri dishes and you make them hot and then cool them to a certain temperature… so he was trying to wrap up and the petri dishes weren’t cooling down quickly enough, so he moved them all apart to allow air to flow between them and kept saying “you gotta keep em seperated” in his head, and then used this one riff they had while they were working on the album with that line. come out and play was the last song they made for that album
…when the Undertaker threw Mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer’s table.
I thought this was shit post or copy pasta but I’ll be damned. He did come up with that line while cooling Erlenmeyer flasks.
yeah thats the ones
Hey, man, you talkin’ back to me?
Hey! Man you disrespectin’ me?
They’ve had one for a while.
I haven’t been able to upload any videos.
Keep your reels off Pixelfed please. Use instead.
Pixelfed is a photo sharing platform
You don’t think Pixelfed should have reels?
Yes, Pixelfed should 100% definitely not have reels. Reels and videos belong on something like or Peertube and not on Pixelfed.
Then allow users from one platform to use their ID on the other.
In fact, using fediverse social networks made me realize how much I could use a single point of identification for all the services. Like a fediverse passport or SSO.
It has a dark mode now (on iOS, at least. Maybe they’ve got a different codebase for Android)Edit: Scratch that. Only the login flow has dark mode.
The screencap in the article looks pretty dark to me? Is there something that needs to be dark that the example pic doesn’t show? Asking as someone that turns everything to dark mode.
As of now, the iOS app does not have a dark mode. Though, I believe the Android version does.
It doesn’t.
Weird. I feel like at some point I remember it having a dark mode on one or the other. Wonder when and why it was removed.
It wasn’t removed, there was never an app before.
Hi! There was actually an official Pixelfed client in beta before the current one written in react native. And it did have dark mode support as well.
Pixelix a PixelFed client has that :)
I couldn’t find it in the App Store. How do you get it?
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I just installed and is pretty neat. Truly a photo first social media.
Wanted to add, I recently tried #pixelix for #pixelfed, and I might actually like this app better that the official.
The beauty of the #openinternet, #freesoftware, #socialweb and #activitypub
Great. Then all the people who just post photos on Lemmy can gtfo
I don’t agree, this actually a good opportunity for #pixelfed to support #groups so people who want their post to reach a larger audience can choose a magazine/community to post.
On that note, has anyone here gotten into the Surf (the Flipboard thing) beta? I got in, but the download link does not work, but from what I understand that’s supposed to turn into a whole-federation browser starting with the microblogging sites (Mastodon + Bluesky + Threads), so I wonder whether they’ll add support for Pixelfed et al in the future.
Is Pixelfed an appropriate place to upload an image to share on Lemmy / Mastodon?
It’s doable, but you might as well just upload it here. But for smaller albums, it would be a good idea.
What’s the intended use case for Pixelfed?
Instagram replacement rather than Imgur
For that there is and
Pixelfed can be used as image hoster likewise, those 2 you mention are proprietary, so if one cared about that, they might prefer Pixelfed
It acts as a Instagram replacement (but is actually about photos and not videos) is aiming for the video segment. Tho’ it seems like one app for pix and vids would be nifty.
Pixelfed does videos to, and I think federation with loops is planned
I hadn’t tried vids! Ok, it could get a whole lot weirder, and/or more informative.
Whatever the usecase for Instagram is
I wish we could have multiple photos in posts here. Yes, we can put other photos in the description, but it would be nice to view all of them without opening the post.
Well that’s the neat part, you don’t! If you post on Pixelfed you’re already on Mastodon.
…I suppose you can reshare it if you want. Me, I just point people to my Pixelfed account on my Mastodon profile and vice versa.
I’ve been doing that exact thing, but only as long as the images would be Instagram-worthy in the first place. Not just temporary junk. I figure it’s probably more optimized for picture storage, since that’s the whole point right? Plus then I get it two places instead of one!
If you use the raw media link itself instead of the link to the post, it displays on Lemmy exactly the same as if you’d uploaded it here in the first place. So that’s nice.
I’m really interested in trying pixelfed, but the 15 character username limit is really restrictive. I don’t want to sign up with a name that doesn’t match the handle I already use on instagram and other related places. They have a github issue for it, but it there’s no indication of when it might actually be changed.
Yeah I tried the beta before. I just got a new smartphone so I’m happy it’s available I the app store.
That’s odd. I’ve had the app for like 3 months.
The beta, not sure how you missed that.
Damn, you are right. Now that you mention it, I did signup for the beta through their website. I just forgot.
its been on fdroid since last october, this is just the first official release on gplay and apple
That’s probably where I got it then.
Add me!
It’s as a reaction to the news about TikTok possibly being sold and people jumping to “Red Book”, the other Chinese platform. Maybe some people will read the TechCrunch article and consider Pixelfed.
I’m still trying to figure out why anybody uses ANY software of Chinese origin.
But all it needs to be is “fun” I guess. People literally don’t think past that. Then they all do the surprised Pikachu face when something bad happens.
I’ve always hated TikTok, and avoided it like the plague. I’m not convinced it’s a whole psyop or anything, but my trust of it is basically negative.
As for government meddling, I’m not sure yet how I feel about it in this case.
I like pixel fed, but like all federated websites, it doesn’t have a lot of content yet.
HMU bb
Those are some nice pictures! Are they all yours? Btw, I do wonder if it’s possible to comment on pictures there from here
Just subbed. Maybe new pictures will pop up in my feed.
All mine
It looks like the recommended Pixelfed instance,, is running an outdated version of the platform. Aka the instance most new users will login to, and the one I created my account on last year. I guess I could make an account elsewhere, but meh. Hopefully they get that sorted
No dark mode, no use.
If all the things in the work queue, you’re balking on a COLOUR SCHEME?
That’s like stopping the construction crew for using the wrong colour work boots, man!
light mode gives me migraines dude. it’s more important than just a color preference.
you’re balking on a COLOUR SCHEME
How can I not?? Dx
No it isn’t, if a modern app doesn’t have dark-mode to protect your eyes Then it’s a health-hazard
Thats nonsense
Literally spent 30 seconds on a Google before you start spewing lies like this.
There’s a variety of reasons to prefer dark mode, but spreading fake health information isn’t valid.
I spent reading books, before YOU started smearing a well-know fact as a lie It’s connected with causing myopia & eye-strains
Your precious google won’t tell you that (Or maybe you simply clicked the first link that confirmed your bias)
Fine, let’s play. Wheres the study you are using as your source?
Pick up an opthalmology book, find it yourself & ask your opthalmology specialist Those are my sources & here’s a website too (do you have the guts to touch grass ?)
I already mentioned it, it’s the same reason why we use blue-light filters & why we use anti-glare screen protectors
But apparently a single “google-search” is enough for you
You really should read pages you want to link. And I say this as a die-hard dark mode user. It’s worrying that you so aggressively attack people get cannot even read the page you link far enough to notice that what you are saying about it is nonsense (like how it has “the same reason”, which of course it doesn’t, as made clear in the article).
Or you know, at least don’t be such a dick. That’s also help a lot!
Look, someone reported this as misinformation. Too bad me, the active mod here, gets pain in the eyes, sometimes flickering vision, and sometimes what I would describe as sea sickness from staring onto bright white screens. When I have no other choice because work, I invert all screen colors but sometimes correct colors are important.
So yeah, no proper dark mode means it’s a crap app.
It’s common knowledge that dark-mode hurts your eyes less So yeah, these people who reported are people who think their opinions & google-searches are superior to common knowledge
[citation needed]
Cuz you said so, why don’t you stare into a bright light & find out
There are other vision conditions where people cannot see letters in dark mode that well. Apps and websites should just follow whatever the OS setting is, no matter the motivation of the user. Even if it’s just a matter of taste and not some form of eye sight condition, it’s just as valid.
Agreed, but all apps (especially social media ones) need a dark-mode
No dark mode, no use.
BTW, work boot color is absolutely regulated depending on context. For example here in Germany, if you work in sterile or food-related industries then shoes are to be issued and used with a color that cannot inherently hide stains by the material you’re working with, to prevent accidentally carrying contaminations into other clean zones.
So yes, you would stop the construction crew for using the wrong color work boots.
While you may be right about the boots thing that doesn’t stop me from thinking your obstinacy is a bit of a reach and looks embarrassing XD
While my comment was certainly controversial, the number of up-votes from users in the Fediverse means it shouldn’t be ignored, either.
Luckily embarrassment is controlled by the person feeling it, and I seem to have a severe lack of that gene 😆
Same for medical software. Green MUST be an approved green color, and same for red, as the wrong color can give wrong advice and may kill people.
It’s more like stopping the construction crew from painting your house a colour you hate. Which sounds more reasonable
There are tons of apps which don’t have a dark mode and you are writing off fediverse app just because it doesn’t have it. Fediverse apps should be supported instead being judged harshly.
And I don’t use them, either. I’m a contributor to multiple Fediverse projects, including Lemmy-based apps and full identity management with ActivityPub. We do not deserve to get held to lower standards if we want the Fediverse to grow, especially when it comes to features that are about things like eye comfort, which can be a mild accessibility issue for some.
Dark mode is a basic necessity in apps today. It’s not a convenience, but a necessity for adoption. There are many people who are going to open the app, then never use it again because of something that’s bog-standard in the libraries and should only take a few hours to work in, which should have been done before an announcement.
So yes, I speak up, because I want this to succeed., @'ing you so I’m not responding in two places 😉 I appreciate the work of the team, but it doesnt change the fact that to many, this is a showstopper and I’m pretty surprised it wasn’t considered as a basic UX requirement pre-launch (see other comments in response to you).
PixelDroid is a client that supports dark mode.
Why is their top instance not compatible? gives me errors when I try to auth
Probably a max exodus from Tiktokers who refuse to use Instagram.
It is compatible. You need to jump through the email confirmation hoop before it’ll actually work with the app though. So if your account is new, that’s probably the reason.
Besides that, it could just be the mass influx of new users that are fleeing Instagram.
Just need to check again later. I had this same error at first.
I didn’t get any error. Probably just overwhelmed by new users 😆