Thinking that the current Russian government is communist/socialist is peak brain rot. It is a nepotist police state with conservative/neoconservative social policy (religion, nationalism, anti-LGBT) and a neoliberal economic policy (capitalism). It’s almost an exact opposite of the ideas behind the hammer and sickle.
Where is Vlad with a big ol hammer and sickle on his hat? Maybe he could have an Iranian ayatollah on a leash?
Did you just wake up from a forty year coma or are you just stupid?
Thinking that the current Russian government is communist/socialist is peak brain rot. It is a nepotist police state with conservative/neoconservative social policy (religion, nationalism, anti-LGBT) and a neoliberal economic policy (capitalism). It’s almost an exact opposite of the ideas behind the hammer and sickle.
the least deranged westie has logged on
Fuck me, I didn’t notice it was tankie country, I swear one of these days I’m gonna block that entire instance from my feed
Nobody cares what instance you block. You’re not the main character. 🤣
Oof, right in the ad revenue 😂
What a fucking clown.
Tankie is when you don’t think modern Russia is communist