Where is Vlad with a big ol hammer and sickle on his hat? Maybe he could have an Iranian ayatollah on a leash?
Did you just wake up from a forty year coma or are you just stupid?
the least deranged westie has logged on
Fuck me, I didn’t notice it was tankie country, I swear one of these days I’m gonna block that entire instance from my feed
Tankie is when you don’t think modern Russia is communist
Nobody cares what instance you block. You’re not the main character. 🤣
Oof, right in the ad revenue 😂
What a fucking clown.
Thinking that the current Russian government is communist/socialist is peak brain rot. It is a nepotist police state with conservative/neoconservative social policy (religion, nationalism, anti-LGBT) and a neoliberal economic policy (capitalism). It’s almost an exact opposite of the ideas behind the hammer and sickle.
You forgot to add Iran, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, and I think rest of world altogether.
Lol, shitlibs suddenly don’t mind “whataboutism” when it’s time to defend the US and it’s allies.
My aren’t you a busy little anti-west bot. Only a couple weeks old and already so many ‘murica bad/soviet great’ posts. You must be raking in those rubles.
As ever, western fascists believe all opposition to them is a secret plot by the sinister judeo-bolshavik conspiracy.
I wouldn’t call it secret by any means, it’s a very persistent propaganda and cyber attack machine. It could be a bit more subtle though. Spam posting about ‘murica bad’, ‘western imperialist’, China/Russia/Korea are a worker’s paradise’ gets tires and makes one readily ignored.
If you say so, Goebbels.
and I think rest of world altogether.
Fuck off. Some countries have nothing to do with this crap, as it should be for every fucking country.
Don’t get “rest of world” mixed in there; I mean sure, all governments suck in one way or another, but most of them at least aren’t imperialist.
Not anymore at least.
Russia has its two ports which Assad signed away for the next gazillion years and Assad himself, who’s a property of Syria, and should be returned to be dealt with accordingly.
The real concern is Iran, Israel, and the US. Iran is currently using the desperate criminals Assad left behind to cause instability and should be the top priority of the new government.
Turkey is an alley of the new Syrian government. You can compare it to what Russia was for the regime, but not committing war crimes against most of the population.
What do you mean he’s a “property of Syria”?
Mr. president hasn’t finished his term yet, and hasn’t formally stepped down. So I am asking Russia to return him to Syria, else he’ll not be able to fulfill his duties. According to him Russia has coerced him into fleeing the country and that’s not cool.
Plus it’s Christmas season and Russia is ruining the holiday for Syrians by stealing a very special Christmas ornament the country would’ve had.
Ok, but what the fuck did you mean by “he’s property of Syria?”
Presumably they mean they want Assad to be tortured, raped and murdered like Gaddafi.