I’m heartbroken. We found out he was FIV positive shortly after we got him, but that doesn’t make the loss any easier. He was only 1.5 years old. Hold your cats close for me tonight.
Edit: I fell asleep, so I’m sorry that I didn’t respond to everyone. I’m very thankful to everyone for the kind words and support.
Im so sorry to hear that. I lost a cat to FIV in the past as well.
I’m sorry you lost your boy.
We lost our sphynx very dramatically two weeks ago, and he was only 10 years old with no prior health issues, so I know how it feels.
You’re not alone.
Me and my partner are still devastated and find ourselves sobbing uncontrollably every day.
It was like losing a child.
Life is on auto pilot these days.
I hope I’ll see a good day again.
I’m so sorry for your loss :'(
Oh for fuck sake here on Lemmy there are the constant posts about dead cats and dogs too?
I’m sorry my cat dying offends you. Kindly fuck all the way off my post.
My girl is getting older, pushing 9, and I dread it everytime I think of her not being there.
He looked like a good boy. Sorry.
He is in a better place, hunting and cuddling in purrhalla
I have a gray cat that looks a lot like him. He’s my everything. He is so sweet, wants cuddles & purrs so loud. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Thank you. He was so loving. Here’s a picture of him sitting in my lap.
I’m right there with you. Today I held my 16yo dog for the last time. 😭
I’m so sorry. I hope he went peacefully, knowing he was loved.
Sorry to both you of you. 😢
I’m so sorry to you both. Losing friends is incredibly hard!
That’s so sad but 16 years is a hell of a run! Lots of memories in there for sure.
And she wasn’t slowing down at all until this weekend. She just shut down.
Condolences on your pup 💔😞 hug your pillow extra tight tonight
Beautiful boy. He was lucky to have known true love and have a forever home in you ❤️
Thank you so much for the kind words. They are truly appreciated.
This is aweful. My condolences.
Thank you. I’m lost at the moment.
I understand, there is nothing worse then losing a part of your family.
Very sorry to hear this. I’m sure you gave him a wonderful life for the time he had with you.
Sorry to hear about your boy, however short is our time with them, we do our best to make their life enjoyable and while it is painful, they do love us back. So remeber and cherish of all the good times you two had.
My about 8 year old girl (had her for 4), got diagnosed with an aggressive cancer last week. Nothing we can do but let her enjoy all the luxuries of her short remaining life. I am sure she knows she is cherished and had her best life with us.
I’m sorry to hear. Do what you can for her, and try to make her remaining time with you memorable and comfortable.
Sorry for your loss. Rest in peace beautiful boy. 💕
To the downvoters of this post, I hope you get a really bad hangnail.
Thank you for the kind words. They mean a lot.
I’m sorry for your loss. I’ll give Bella some extra blankie time this evening.
Thank you. Please give her a hug on behalf of this random Lemming.