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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023

  • That’s certainly a possibility, but I’m no psychiatrist. If the coffee started before the antidepressants then I would say it’s worth a try at the very least.

    For me it’s less depression and more intense anxiety that can lead to depression. People look at me like I’m crazy when I bring it up though so maybe it’s just me.

  • meowMix2525@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlgonna be a long one
    2 days ago

    The hack for this is to get cold brew (more caffeinated and tastes good cold) and sip it slowly throughout the day alongside water.

    This is how I avoid a crash when I do drink coffee. The negative side effects of caffeine make me want to end it all though so I tend to avoid drinking it with any regularity these days.

  • Oh man somebody better tell Hamas that after 70 years of collectively turning the other cheek the global community is finally going to give a shit about Palestine. All they have to do is just turn over the hostages with no assurance whatsoever that the bombing campaign or larger apartheid is going to end.

    Of course they’re just idiots who don’t understand politics though so what do they know. Let’s all laugh at them as their homes and families and everything they know is destroyed by a reactionary, hostile force that has been looking for excuses to annihilate their entire ancestry, basically since its founding, for existing as Arabs on land that some asshole in England said belongs to Jews as a treat for surviving the holocaust rather than make the serious reforms to western society that would be required to ensure that Jewish people wouldn’t need the same type of ethnostate that Hitler was going for just to have self-determination and avoid persecution.

  • meowMix2525@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlChoice
    15 days ago

    Do you not see that this dynamic just as much allows complete inaction on climate change as it allows the democratic candidates to arm Israel as they commit genocide? You’re using that word, “more”, as if you have any choice than continuing the status quo (complete environmental destruction) or worse in some miniscule way complete environmental destruction.

    Again. How do you expect your elected representative to care about passing real, thoughtful, progressive policy on climate change if the only thing they have to do to earn your vote is make sure their opponent doesn’t lose the shovel being used to dig your grave?

    Palestine is just the most present and distinct issue which should be an easy slam dunk to show that Democrats care at all about winning voters over or slowing down our recent regression; the undecided movement being a clearly defined group of voters that can be convinced to vote Democrat this election without a clear group of votes that would be lost as a consequence of meeting their asks.

    Even pretending the genocide is a non-issue, Trump should be the easiest man in history to beat in an election. Everybody hates the guy, everyone just wants rid of him, and issue-by-issue he manages to take the most unpopular, easily debunked stances that for some reason the Democrats keep conceding narratives to without putting up a fight. But he motivates his voters.

    Whether or not you agree with the undecideds, you should be rooting for them. The first rule of negotiation is to be willing to walk away, but the one before that is to bring something to the table worth negotiating for. By not engaging, Kamala is clearly demonstrating to us that; even with everything that group has brought to the table; there is not anything that, to her, is worth negotiating for. What can you bring then? That is not democracy. That’s a lose-lose situation and you can’t fault the voters for being disillusioned by it.

  • meowMix2525@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlChoice
    15 days ago

    If you (you being a member of voters at large) will go along with genocide so easily, completely turning a blind eye, what incentive is there for either party to present an alternative?

    How do you expect to walk your party over to your side if your vote for them is guaranteed, and you ask absolutely nothing of them, as long as the other party is worse, which is all but guaranteed for the foreseeable future?

    It’s already the worst case scenario. You either support genocide or you don’t. Your constant shouting “but it’ll get worse though!1!!” isn’t really pertinent to the conversation when we are already looking at complete annihilation of Gaza and the Palestinians that live there.

    What democracy is there to be saved if we are already at the point of “vote for us or else” with Trump and project 2025 being held like a gun to our heads? All of the progress being made towards that eventuality; losses in bodily autonomy and voting access being only a couple examples; not showing any signs of slowing down even under a democratic administration?

    A vote should be won, not coerced. Simple as. Not even asking for an alternative makes you complicit in the fact that there is none.

  • meowMix2525@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlcontrarians
    2 months ago

    Look up “thebootydiaries tumblr sweaty” and give the images that come up a brief scroll. I’m not very creative so I’m just gonna tell you that we can do this all day.

    (edit: I’ve realized you probably already know about this and I’m the one missing the joke but i saw a brief opportunity to contribute and took it so I’m not taking it down.)

  • I’d argue they need to fuck up less than the alternative means of transport that we could be transitioning to if we weren’t so dead-set on being car dependent. So dead-set, in fact, that we are allowing ourselves to be made complacent; by billion-dollar companies that peddle entirely new technology to excuse the death and destruction to our environment and social fabric that they’ve wrought upon us and continue to perpetuate; instead of us demanding new iterations of the old, safer, more affordable, more efficient, but unfortunately less profitable tech that our country sold out to those same monied interests for them to dismantle.

  • Walmart did this with their wifi recently, you have to enter an email to get access. Of course it makes sense that mobile data doesn’t really work inside a giant steel warehouse, but I can’t seem to recall not having any mobile data signal at all until my last walmart visit.

    I used to keep to myself and look up the location of the item I was looking for online. If they want me to bother a floor person for it though, doing that is highly preferable to giving walmart my email to sell along with any information they can extrapolate from my usage of their network.