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  • 0 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Standing in a courtyard framed by the white walls of one of Marseille’s Armenian churches, Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, France’s secretary of state tasked with citizenship, took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully as she addressed a voter who had admitted she was considering switching allegiances to the far right.

    Agresti-Roubache, born to a family with Algerian roots, led with the heart, describing how concerns over the snap parliamentary election results had left her elderly mother “in tears” daily.

    It was a hint of the kind of conversations playing out across France as the centrist alliance of Emmanuel Macron, the French president, makes a last-ditch effort to shore up votes before elections in which the far right is expected to win.

    As Marine Le Pen said she expects her RN party to win an absolute majority, Macron has faced growing heat among his allies over his shock decision to call a snap election.

    “There is a very strong sense of worry, rage and fatigue,” a former prime minister for Macron, Édouard Philippe, who leads an allied party, told France’s Inter radio on Wednesday.

    On Thursday the basketball superstar Victor Wembanyama, who plays for the San Antonio Spurs, became the latest to weigh in, telling reporters: “Of course, political choices are personal, but for me it is important to keep a distance from extremes, they are not the direction to take for a country like ours.”

    The original article contains 1,136 words, the summary contains 234 words. Saved 79%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    “Since the rise of large language models like ChatGPT there have been lots of anecdotal reports about students submitting AI-generated work as their exam assignments and getting good grades.

    His team created over 30 fake psychology student accounts and used them to submit ChatGPT-4-produced answers to examination questions.

    The anecdotal reports were true—the AI use went largely undetected, and, on average, ChatGPT scored better than human students.

    Scarfe’s team submitted AI-generated work in five undergraduate modules, covering classes needed during all three years of study for a bachelor’s degree in psychology.

    Shorter submissions were prepared simply by copy-pasting the examination questions into ChatGPT-4 along with a prompt to keep the answer under 160 words.

    Turnitin’s system, on the other hand, was advertised as detecting 97 percent of ChatGPT and GPT-3 authored writing in a lab with only one false positive in a hundred attempts.

    The original article contains 519 words, the summary contains 144 words. Saved 72%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Microsoft AI boss Mustafa Suleyman incorrectly believes that the moment you publish anything on the open web, it becomes “freeware” that anyone can freely copy and use.

    When CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin asked him whether “AI companies have effectively stolen the world’s IP,” he said:

    That certainly hasn’t kept many AI companies from claiming that training on copyrighted content is “fair use,” but most haven’t been as brazen as Suleyman when talking about it.

    Speaking of brazen, he’s got a choice quote about the purpose of humanity shortly after his “fair use” remark:

    Suleyman does seem to think there’s something to the robots.txt idea — that specifying which bots can’t scrape a particular website within a text file might keep people from taking its content.

    Disclosure: Vox Media, The Verge’s parent company, has a technology and content deal with OpenAI.

    The original article contains 351 words, the summary contains 139 words. Saved 60%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A Chinese woman who tried to shield a Japanese mother and her child from a knife attack has died.Hu Youping was working as a school bus attendant in Suzhou city when a man attacked a Japanese woman and her child at a bus stop outside a Japanese school.She suffered serious injuries while trying to restrain him.Tributes for her have poured out online and the local government has said she will be given the title of “Righteous and Courageous Role Model”.

    The Japanese embassy in China also lowered its flag to half-mast to honour Ms Hu.

    It followed another stabbing earlier this month, which injured four US university instructors at a park in Jilin, in China’s north-east.

    Chinese state newspaper Global Times ran an editorial on Friday paying tribute to Ms Hu, where it also claimed that “China is undoubtedly still one of the safest countries in the world”.Separately, the newspaper reported that Weibo had removed 759 posts that “incited nationalist sentiment” following the attack.

    These posts contained “extreme opinions” that “promoted group hatred and even applauded criminal behaviour in the name of patriotism”.The stabbing in Suzhou sparked concern among the local Japanese community and led the embassy to issue a safety alert warning its citizens living in China to take precautions while they are out.China’s foreign ministry said the incident was “regrettable” and that it will “continue to take effective measures to earnestly protect the safety of all foreigners in China”.China has seen a spate of knife attacks in the past year.

    In May, two people were killed and 10 others injured in such an attack at a primary school in the southern Jiangxi province.

    The original article contains 443 words, the summary contains 275 words. Saved 38%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Like in past versions of the survey, battery-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles performed worse than their gas equivalents in just about every repair category measured by JD Power.

    “Owners of cutting edge, tech-filled BEVs and PHEVs are experiencing problems that are of a severity level high enough for them to take their new vehicle into the dealership at a rate three times higher than that of gas-powered vehicle owners,” Frank Hanley, senior director of auto benchmarking at JD Power, said in a statement.

    JD Power attributes this to major design changes in Teslas, such as the removal of traditional feature controls like turn signal and wiper stalks.

    And when car owners try to find relief from terrible native software experiences by mirroring their smartphones, they run into even more obstacles.

    Someone who buys a Ram truck every few years is going to report way fewer problems with their experience than someone who is taking a risk on a new brand — or even a new powertrain.

    We’re in the midst of a huge shift from traditional gas-powered vehicles to high-powered computers that run on enormous batteries.

    The original article contains 600 words, the summary contains 181 words. Saved 70%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Sheinbaum highlighted González’s experience in renewable energy and in handling finances, an area that will prove useful in the department’s relationship with state-run companies like oil giant Pemex and the Federal Electricity Commission.

    Buenrostro, who served for more than two decades in government tax, treasury and economic agencies, was described by the future president as an “incorruptible woman” with 28 years of experience in public administration.

    Edna Elena Vega Rangel, who also previously worked for the Mexico City government, will head the secretary of agrarian, territorial, and urban development.

    The day after the June 2 election, Sheinbaum confirmed that Finance Minister Rogelio Ramírez de la O had accepted to continue in his role, in an effort to calm investors after the country faced a sudden meltdown in the stock and currency markets.

    Among the possible picks for the job is Omar García Harfuch, the former chief of Mexico City’s police who was present at Sheinbaum’s meeting with the White House envoy, Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, two weeks ago.

    Last week Sheinbaum announced her first Cabinet picks, presenting an even gender distribution, as well as a heavy presence from academia and her prior administration as Mexico City’s mayor.

    The original article contains 334 words, the summary contains 195 words. Saved 42%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    BNEI BRAK, Israel (AP) — Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jewish men blocked a major highway in central Israel for two hours on Thursday to protest a recent Supreme Court decision ordering young religious men to enlist for military service.

    But politically powerful ultra-Orthodox parties have won draft exemptions for their followers that allow them instead to study in religious seminaries.

    This long-standing arrangement has bred widespread resentment among the broader public — a sentiment that has grown stronger during the eight-month war against Hamas in Gaza.

    Over 600 soldiers have been killed, and tens of thousands of reservists have been activated, straining careers, businesses and family lives.

    Many fear that greater contact with secular society through the military will distance adherents from strict observance of the faith.

    The Supreme Court this week ordered the government to begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men, saying the system of exemptions is unequal.

    The original article contains 350 words, the summary contains 146 words. Saved 58%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    An intervention by the UK government at the international criminal court is expected to delay a decision over whether an arrest warrant can be issued against the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, for alleged war crimes in Gaza.

    According to court papers, after the prosecutor made the requests the UK argued that the judges hearing the case must address “outstanding” questions about the ICC’s jurisdiction over Israeli citizens before deciding whether to issue the warrants.

    The decision to allow the UK to submit arguments in the case has caused concern among some international law experts that Britain’s intervention is politically motivated and an attempt to reopen legal issues many argue have previously been settled.

    However, last month the UK government told an ICC pre-trial chamber the 2021 ruling “did not determine” jurisdictional issues relating to the Oslo accords, the interim peace agreements signed between the Palestine Liberation Organisation and Israel in the 1990s.

    She said the UK appeared to be “prioritising diplomatic relationships over accountability for international crimes” and that its attempt to challenge the ICC’s jurisdiction also failed “to address Israel’s noncompliance with the Oslo accords, particularly concerning settlement expansions in the West Bank”.

    Responding to the decision, Clive Baldwin, a senior legal adviser at Human Rights Watch, said: “The UK should not be leading the charge for double standards in victims’ access to justice.

    The original article contains 564 words, the summary contains 226 words. Saved 60%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    From November 1 in Chrome 127, which recently entered beta, TLS server authentication certificates validating to Entrust or AffirmTrust roots won’t be trusted by default.

    The incidents have “eroded confidence in [Entrust’s] competence, reliability, and integrity as a publicly trusted CA owner,” Google stated in a blog.

    “Certification authorities serve a privileged and trusted role on the internet that underpin encrypted connections between browsers and websites,” Google said.

    "Over the past six years, we have observed a pattern of compliance failures, unmet improvement commitments, and the absence of tangible, measurable progress in response to publicly disclosed incident reports.

    Tim Callan, chief experience officer at Sectigo, said in an email to The Reg that the news serves as a reminder to CAs that they must hold themselves to the standards the industry expects of them.

    A spokeperson at Entrust sent a statement to The Register: "The decision by the Chrome Root Program comes as a disappointment to us as a long-term member of the CA/B Forum community.

    The original article contains 647 words, the summary contains 166 words. Saved 74%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The DRM Panic handler in Linux 6.10 that is used for presenting a visual error message in case of kernel panics and similar when CONFIG_VT is disabled continues seeing new features.

    With Linux 6.11, the DRM Panic display can now handle monochrome logos.

    With the code in Linux 6.10 when DRM Panic is triggered, an ASCII art version of Linux’s mascot, Tux the penguin, is rendered as part of the display.

    If ASCII art on error messages doesn’t satisfy your tastes in 2024+, the DRM Panic code will be able to support a monochrome graphical logo that leverages the Linux kernel’s boot-up logo support.

    This monochrome logo support in the DRM Panic handler was sent out as part of this week’s drm-misc-next pull request ahead of the Linux 6.11 merge window in July.

    This week’s drm-misc-next material also includes TTM memory management improvements, various fixes to the smaller Direct Rendering Manager drivers, and also the previously talked about monochrome TV support for the Raspberry Pi.

    The original article contains 237 words, the summary contains 165 words. Saved 30%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A dozen social and racial justice groups said Thursday that the federal effort to require a sale or ban of TikTok would suppress speech from minority communities by disrupting a critical tool many use to establish connections online and advocate for causes.

    Thursday is the deadline for third-party groups to file documents supporting the social video platform and eight TikTok creators who sued the U.S. government last month.

    On Wednesday evening, seven other free speech-oriented advocacy groups submitted a brief to the court, arguing the law would infringe on the First Amendment and make it impossible for users to associate on the app.

    Both groups have received donations from the Susquehanna Foundation, a sister organization to the trading firm co-founded by prominent ByteDance investor and Republican megadonor Jeff Yass.

    The federal law, which President Joe Biden signed as part of a larger foreign aid package in April, is the U.S. government’s attempt to deal with long-running national security concerns about TikTok’s presence and reach in the U.S.

    The Justice Department said in a statement last week that it’s looking forward to defending the recently enacted legislation, which addresses “critical national security concerns in a manner that is consistent with the First Amendment and other constitutional limitations.”

    The original article contains 686 words, the summary contains 206 words. Saved 70%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The WikiLeaks co-founder would need time to recover, she told reporters after they were reunited in his native Australia, after a deal with US authorities that allowed him to plead guilty to a single criminal count of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified defence documents.

    While it remains online – and would-be whistleblowers can theoretically use it to pass on secrets – to all intents and purposes the organisation around it has been repurposed in recent years to campaign for Assange’s freedom.

    Assange himself told the Nation magazine in an interview inside Belmarsh prison, London, that it had not been possible to publish leaks due to his imprisonment, surveillance by the US government and funding restrictions.

    The kind of cross-border, collaborative investigations into huge tranches of documents that WikiLeaks pioneered and its use of anonymous electronic information drops are now de rigueur – to a large extent passé.”

    “In retrospect, it’s striking that everything WikiLeaks published was true – no small feat in the era of “disinformation” – but the tragedy is that much of its energy and ethos has now passed to blowhards and conspiracy theorists.

    Before entering the Ecuadorian embassy, he had started hosting interview shows for RT, the Russian state media outlet, in a move that was relatively easier to defend at the time but which now takes on a different hue since the outbreak of the Ukraine war.

    The original article contains 847 words, the summary contains 232 words. Saved 73%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Israeli soldiers have destroyed 11 homes and other structures in an isolated community in the occupied West Bank, leaving 50 people homeless, amid a reported uptick in house demolitions and spiralling violence in the Palestinian territory.

    Masafer Yatta, a collection of shepherding hamlets including Umm al-Kheir, is located in area C, the sparsely populated 60% of the West Bank under full Israeli control.

    On Wednesday, when Umm al-Kheir was targeted, a total of 17 Palestinian houses were destroyed on the same day, according to rights groups: another four homes were demolished in the Jericho area, one near Ramallah, and one in East Jerusalem.

    They are part of Israel’s ongoing campaign to displace Palestinians from area C,” said Hagit Ofran, a co-director of the settlements watch unit at the Israeli advocacy group Peace Now.

    “As Smotrich recently stated in a recorded conversation we uncovered, in the West Bank demolitions are not about upholding the rule of law or ensuring equality; rather, they serve ‘geopolitical, strategic purposes.’”

    Rightwing elements have long sought to find ways to permanently seize or annex swathes of the West Bank, and Israeli settlement building there has significantly accelerated in recent years.

    The original article contains 546 words, the summary contains 194 words. Saved 64%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A Chinese woman who tried to shield a Japanese mother and her child from a knife attack has died.Hu Youping was working as a school bus attendant in Suzhou city when a man attacked a Japanese woman and her child at a bus stop outside a Japanese school.She suffered serious injuries while trying to restrain him.Tributes for her have poured out online and the local government has said she will be given the title of “Righteous and Courageous Role Model”.

    The Japanese embassy in China also lowered its flag to half-mast to honour Ms Hu.

    It followed another stabbing earlier this month, which injured four US university instructors at a park in Jilin, in China’s north-east.

    Chinese state newspaper Global Times ran an editorial on Friday paying tribute to Ms Hu, where it also claimed that “China is undoubtedly still one of the safest countries in the world”.Separately, the newspaper reported that Weibo had removed 759 posts that “incited nationalist sentiment” following the attack.

    These posts contained “extreme opinions” that “promoted group hatred and even applauded criminal behaviour in the name of patriotism”.The stabbing in Suzhou sparked concern among the local Japanese community and led the embassy to issue a safety alert warning its citizens living in China to take precautions while they are out.China’s foreign ministry said the incident was “regrettable” and that it will “continue to take effective measures to earnestly protect the safety of all foreigners in China”.China has seen a spate of knife attacks in the past year.

    In May, two people were killed and 10 others injured in such an attack at a primary school in the southern Jiangxi province.

    The original article contains 443 words, the summary contains 275 words. Saved 38%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    We’re told this “irregularity” was spotted inside TeamViewer’s corporate IT environment on Wednesday, and that the biz immediately called in reinforcements in the form of cyber security investigators, implemented “necessary remediation measures,” and activated its incident response team and processes, according to an announcement on Thursday.

    The words “TeamViewer” and “security breach” will make a lot of people’s blood run cold given how pervasively it is used – in homes, organizations, and businesses – so a compromise of the platform could be devastating.

    TeamViewer spokesperson Maria Gordienko declined to answer The Register’s specific questions about the incident – including whether it was ransomware or worse – citing the ongoing investigation.

    It appears top infosec house NCC Group has already tipped off its customers to the security snafu, and blamed an unnamed advanced persistent threat (APT) team.

    H-ISAC noted in its industry bulletin that it had been warned by a friendly intel partner that APT29 – aka Russian intelligence’s Cozy Bear crew – has been “actively exploiting Teamviewer.”

    Which could mean the Russians are separately exploiting weaknesses within TeamViewer to get into people’s networks, or taking advantage of poor customer-side security to get in via the remote-desktop software.

    The original article contains 514 words, the summary contains 197 words. Saved 62%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    On April 4, a Justice Department attorney in Europe sent a dire message to colleagues back home: Their five-year battle to bring Julian Assange from Britain to the United States to stand trial for publishing hundreds of thousands of secret diplomatic and military files was likely to fail.

    If a deal was not made with the WikiLeaks founder before a U.K. court’s April 16 deadline to provide assurances related to free speech, they would lose all their leverage and possibly their British attorneys, who increasingly saw the case as unwinnable.

    “Time is short and my understanding is that the present plea proposal is currently on the [deputy attorney general’s] desk,” another member of the trial team emailed to leaders at the Justice Department’s counterintelligence and export control unit on April 4.

    Without the First Amendment assurance, one trial attorney said in an email, the British lawyers representing the U.S. government concluded they would run into “an ethical obligation to drop the case” because of “their duty of candor” — they could no longer argue for extradition when a condition required by the court had not been met.

    If they missed the deadline in 12 days, one attorney told leaders in the counterintelligence and export control section of the department by email, they would “face a situation where we lose our leverage and the UK potentially abandons us.”

    The Justice Department agreed that Assange could plead only to his involvement in procuring and publishing war logs and diplomatic cables given to him by Chelsea Manning, an Army private and intelligence analyst.

    The original article contains 1,790 words, the summary contains 260 words. Saved 85%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Snap national elections called by pro-business moderate President Emmanuel Macron have plunged the country into a hasty and disorderly electoral race, in which hate speech is becoming a growing concern.

    Another targeted group, called Les Remparts, is accused of inciting hate, discrimination and violence toward foreigners and non-white people, according to Interior Ministry decrees reviewed by The Associated Press.

    Another decree targeted a group called Jonas Paris, which it said claims to support France’s Muslim community but instead promotes violence, hate and discrimination toward non-Muslims, women and LGBTQ+ people.

    Noting similar videos that have appeared in Germany, the group said, ‘’these expressions of unbridled racism reflect a climate of the freeing-up of racist speech, fed by the worrying scores of the far right’’ in recent elections around Europe.

    His proposal to prevent dual citizens from accessing certain “strategic” state jobs in particular attracted the ire of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, who said it revealed the true objectives of a party that has long been tied to xenophobia and racism.

    Bompard said the National Rally’s program would contribute to making the rich richer, at the expense of the poorest 30% share of the population, while Attal accused the 28-year-old Bardella of personally benefiting from the measure.

    The original article contains 796 words, the summary contains 205 words. Saved 74%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The Israeli military body responsible for Palestinian civilian affairs, known by its acronym COGAT, said Thursday that the evacuation was carried out in coordination with officials from the United States, Egypt and the international community.

    The children and their companions left Gaza via the Kerem Shalom cargo crossing, and the patients were to travel to Egypt and farther abroad for medical treatment.

    He said the cases included in Thursday’s evacuation are “a drop in the ocean” and that the complicated route through Kerem Shalom and into Egypt cannot serve as an alternative to the Rafah crossing.

    The fact that fewer than 70 people left the territory Thursday “after two months the crossing has been closed is beyond tragic,” said Tania Hary executive director of Gisha.

    In a post on the social media platform X, the World Health Organization regional director for the Eastern Mediterranean, Hanan Balkhy, welcomed news of the children’s evacuation, but noted that “more than 10,000 patients still require medical care outside the Strip.

    “Medical evacuation corridors must be urgently established for the sustained, organized, safe, and timely passage of critically ill patients from Gaza via all possible routes,” she said.

    The original article contains 1,083 words, the summary contains 193 words. Saved 82%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A Reform UK activist in the constituency where Nigel Farage is standing has been secretly filmed making extremely racist comments about Rishi Sunak, as well as using Islamophobic and other offensive language.

    Farage said he was “dismayed” by the views expressed by Andrew Parker, a Reform canvasser, who was filmed as part of an undercover investigation by Channel 4 News.

    The channel also secretly filmed George Jones, a longtime party activist who organises events for Farage, making homophobic comments, calling the Pride flag “degenerate” and LGBT people “nonces”.

    The most serious comments uncovered by Channel 4 News involved Parker, who was covertly filmed making them while canvassing and travelling by car around Clacton, where Farage is the favourite to unseat the incumbent Conservative.

    Telling the reporter, who was posing as an activist, to “emphasise ‘illegal’” if discussing migration with minority ethnic voters, Parker called Islam “a cult”, saying: “We’re fucking kicking all the Muslims out of the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoon’s.”

    In another covertly filmed exchange, at a pub in Clacton, Jones reacts with scorn when he sees a police car going past displaying a Pride flag.

    The original article contains 686 words, the summary contains 189 words. Saved 72%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The former heads of Bolivia’s army and navy are among 17 people so far arrested for their alleged roles in a seemingly bungled military coup designed to topple the South American country’s leftwing president, Luis Arce.

    In his television interview, Del Castillo claimed that on Tuesday night, the eve of the alleged revolt, Arce and Zúñiga had met in the presence of another senior minister and that the president had informed the army chief he was being relieved of his duties because his conduct “was not in line with the political constitution”.

    Wednesday’s brief and still poorly explained mutiny, which lasted only about three hours and reportedly saw 12 people injured, was the latest convulsion to grip a notoriously volatile nation that has witnessed 190 revolutions and coups since it gained independence in 1825.

    Adding to the confusion were comments made by Zúñiga in the moments before he was detained, in which the ex-army chief appeared to accuse Arce of staging a sham coup in order to boost his flagging popularity.

    As the war of words intensified, armed police, their faces covered with balaclavas, guarded the wrought iron gates of the 19th-century neoclassical palace where much of the previous day’s drama had unfolded.

    The apparent coup attempt in Bolivia was the subject of almost universal condemnation from across the political spectrum in Latin America, with conservative governments in Ecuador, Uruguay and Paraguay speaking out, as well as leftwing ones in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.

    The original article contains 808 words, the summary contains 245 words. Saved 70%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!