• 49 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月2日


  • What a load of bull crap. GDP PPP does not mean they’re the 4th largest economy, even if the numbers could be trusted (no idea if they can, I don’t really care).

    Also the comment from that Russian fella is hilarious - apparently they have larger salaries than Americans! Especially funny given the context where the USA is above Russia in GDP PPP.

    Usually when you talk about “largest economies”, you talk about nominal GDP. And congrats Russia, thanks to waging a war, you have apparently fallen out of the top ten!

    In short, this is a propaganda piece which is intentionally very misleading and full of lies and half-thruths.

  • I have no idea why you would use a pen to turn pages???

    Because the pen can be held in the other hand which can be anywhere - you turn the page with a click of a button. And the pen doesn’t have to be anywhere near the screen. After a few hours of reading you can feel the difference between having your hand in a natural position and forcing it in a position to be able to turn the pages.

  • Do you feel like there are only two choices? I support Israel striking back when Hamas started a war they had no chance of winning. Doesn’t mean I support how they’re doing it and I don’t think the crimes they’re committing currently are any good.

    So yes, they should feel “proud” a scumbag like Trump endorses them.

    In an ideal world both the students and Israel would say “wait, that piece of shit says we’re doing good, maybe we should take 5 to rethink what we’re doing”. But we don’t live in an ideal world.

    As a side note, I truly envy people who can view things so clearly so easily, like unequivocally supporting Palestine or Israel without seeing the very shitty things both are (or were recently) doing. While I envy such people, I definitely don’t want to be around them - people who have easy answers to complex issues are rarely correct.