• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I mean also it just seems like a case of normalization. You start out with slow meaningless MTX then you move it more and more. Hell its a bit odd since I’m glad there was some outrage over the MTX in this game but as you said its most likely due to the increase to $70 usd which is a slap in the face to deal with MTX in a fucking single player game but Capcom is one of the shittiest companies when it comes to dumb/pointless MTX.

    Monster Hunter, Devil may cry, Dead Rising, and Resident Evil all have this kind of shit with very little peeps about it. So you basically hit the nail on the head on this on why there was such a big outrage this time around. Also I’m really surprised fucking Street Fighter doesn’t, the literal poster child of pointless/odd additions which in a funny way has actually only gotten better in the digital age. I’m not a big fighting game fan but season passes have sort of solved having so many fucking editions of a single game. Like holy shit there were 5 fucking versions of Street Fighter 2 in a span of 3 years. 3 versions of SF3 in 3 years.

    Edit: marked by bold, I was tired when writing this comment and seems I just forgot to finish my full thought before posting.

  • Footage of a police shooting that occurred during November has came out. A cop detained a suspect who they believed to have a supressed gun, they cuff and search him finding no gun and put him in back of a police car. So the deputy was walking past the car when an acorn struck the car. He shouts “shots fired” and basically unloads on the car with the unarmed suspect while screaming he is hit. The other cops on the call also start unloading on the car and thankfully the person in the car was not hurt. So from the onset its a humorous story about a cop overreacting to a stimuli and we are only laughing because noone was killed in it (well I guess some people would still be laughing if it was deadly but probably less). The cop apparently was a vet, so this seems to be a case of PTSD and its not great that an officer was able to make it that far along while such a mundane stimuli was able to set them off possibly getting someone killed. Hopefully the officer in question gets the help they need but its clear they shouldn’t be in that position at all if that is how they will react.

  • Clearly following the religious text.

    Deuteronomy 22:28–29

    28 If a man encounters a young woman, a virgin who is not engaged, takes hold of her and rapes her, and they are discovered, 29 the man who raped her is to give the young woman’s father fifty silver shekels, and she will become his wife because he violated her. He cannot divorce her as long as he lives.

    While not the same, it sort of catch the drift. Like people can worship whatever religion they want but Jesus this section of the bible is horrific and sort of highlight women as mere property (one of the countless examples in the bible), which should be expected coming from that time period but crazy this kind of thing is still expected to be followed unquestioned.

  • 100% disagree. Like in theory I agree with you but they already did an “enhanced” edition for System shock 2. It was their literal first game release. It was their port of System shock 2 that allowed it to run on modern systems, which released in 2013.

    The following was the feature list of system shock 1 enhanced edition:

    Higher resolution support up to 4K widescreen mode
    Mouselook support
    Rebindable keyboard/mouse/joystick commands
    Adapted to Nightdive’s KEX engine
    Support for both Direct3D and OpenGL
    Option to switch between hi-resolution Mac assets and the original DOS assets
    Official support for fan missions and fan mods
    New unified options menu that allows changing preferences before gameplay
    Adjustable FOV (Field of View)
    Smoother camera rotation and translation
    Improved control scheme which allows faster and streamlined experience
    Brand new achievements
    Remappable keys with three profiles to choose from: original controls, custom controls, and lefthanded controls.

    Many of these things are minor.
    This allows them to update SS2 into their KEX engine but this just feels so unambitious. People are chomping at the bits for a proper remake of SS2 not another remaster.

  • Depends. In some ways you are correct but in other ways not so much. We like to think in the digital age once its up, its up forever. In theory yes but in some ways no since we have already seen in recent memory. Hell the popularity of lemmy and the fedeverse was kicked off because many of us left reddit, lead to many of us basically deleting/editing our prior comments. Someone can possibly have a snapshot of it but the chances of it are pretty small for some weird random obscure post on a forum. Our reliance on free services can easily lead to something disappearing as easily as it appeared. Hell we are seeing some youtube videos basically disappearing over fears of Ai scraping and it can happen abruptly.

  • Honestly it just sounds like you are the kind of idiot who would play bioshock and come out with the that it was just a fun game about smacking people who are in diving suits with a wrench and having super powers. Like its clear you are a troll since you are choosing to pick games that have no in game story then shouting “LALALLALALALALALAL” when people tell you that the fucking instruction manual the game comes with has these themes. Funny part is your argument would make sense if you were talking about other kinds of external material like the whole star extended universe or someone talking about the halo books when talking about the complexity of the universe but this is a thing that came with the game. I’m sorry you either didn’t have a childhood where you didn’t read the fucking manual that came with the game but I assume you were illiterate when it came out.

  • ThunderingJerboa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlLinux gaming is fun
    9 months ago

    Also you can absolutely still play CSGO if you want.

    Yeah if you want to use an obscure feature like steam console to get the latest verison or using beta to get an older verison, instead of you know releasing a fucking separate steamid for a game that is reporting itself as a “Sequel” and don’t get me started with them piggy backing off of CSGO’s reviews. Imagine if some game like Supreme Commander did that bullshit. Where you had the beloved first game and welp with the sequel out we should all replace it so it can use the same reviews even though the 2nd game was universally panned. This is so assbackwards and noone should stand up for this behavior. Valve is mostly awesome but they botched this release and did it in one of the worst ways possible. People fucking play CS 1.6 and Source still would it be right if they were just disappeared as well but able to be pulled up via download some obscure Steam depot. Hell I have an even better one Half life 1, very loved game but Half Life 1 Source an apparently upgrade that was fucking garbage at launch and still garbage to this day. Would it have been right for Valve to say if you bought the default way to play Half life 1 now is via source only. Noone with a working brain would want that.