• 7 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023

  • I don’t look very Jewish, or so the girl at the table said, so guess I’m lucky there?

    Later on (years later) had a fundamentalist Christian at work tell me it was good I’m Jewish because we need to go to Israel to finish the book. (This was awhile ago and exact wording didn’t stick as I was busy working)

    She didn’t like it when I said I’m never moving there. Guess it fucks with gods plans if my stupid ass stays in America my entire life.

    Maybe They should have planned around that lmao

  • When I was in high school, I sat down at the lunch table with entirely new people. We get to taking and learning about one another. Topic turns to religion. I’m Jewish. I say as such.

    One of the girls looks at me, thoughtfully.

    “You don’t have horns like they said you would”

    I’m baffled. I’m almost 14 and had only read about people thinking jews had horns in like, old storybooks.

    The test of the lunch table fucking goes off on her.

    She’s still thinking. “Guess they lied about jews drinking babies blood then?”

    I’m stunned. Blood libel? In 2001???

    She was a good kid though. Realized it was lies and changed her world view right then. But still. It’s just. Still happening? It sucks.

  • Most hospitals will remove the cost entirely if you are uninsured and make under a certain amount.

    Example. My husband recently (…okay, 2 years ago, but the passage of time hurts) had to go to the hospital, and be admitted for, an infected insect bite. No cost on admittance. Had to stay a few days to be on ivs.

    Over the course of the next few months we get the bills. Which we can’t pay. But we have the number for the part of the hospital that can lower the costs.

    We give them all the information, then wait.

    One day a lady drives up to our place, hands my husband a piece of paper saying he owes the hospital nothing, then leaves. It was surreal.