• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • “I once led a small group of Rebels. Turns out being a rebel is some kinda ‘traitorous’ behavior or something. Pfft, can you believe that?”

    “I was a smuggler back home. Let’s just say one of my ‘packages’ were a little bit too loud for their own good and my ‘package’ kinda…‘broke’ and now…well here I am.”

    “Have you ever heard of the shattering of the north land? You know that big fissure that was caused by a giant explosio-…no? Oh, well in that case I’m just here on vacation.”

    “Would you believe me if I said I was a runaway Prince? Because I’m a runaway Prince. Don’t bother asking me for money; had to leave it when I ran away.”

    “Long story short, did you know that if you cheat on your wife and your wife turns out to be the daughter of a crime boss you can die?”

    “Look, if anybody asks you if you know a guy that has the vial of liquid life you don’t know me. Capiche?”

    “You know the good, innocent princess that lives Sarifal? Heh, well did you know that she has a mole in the shape of a heart on her butt? Don’t tell the King I told you though. Turns out the King doesn’t like me much anymore.”

    “Funny enough, I was actually a magician back home. I was so good that I actually used to perform for the King and Queen frequently. So, with that being said, if a dog named Mitzy randomly appears in front of you, you’ll let me know so I can finally go home?”

    “I have amnesia.”