• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I just would like to show something about Reddit. Below is a post I made about how Reddit was literally harassing and specifically targeting me, after I let slip in a comment one day that I was sober - I had previously never made such a comment because my sobriety journey was personal, and I never wanted to define myself or pigeonhole myself as a “recovering person”.

    I reported the recommended subs and ads to Reddit Admins multiple times and was told there was nothing they could do about it.

    I posted a screenshot to DangerousDesign and it flew up to like 5K+ votes in like 30 minutes before admins removed it. I later reposted it to AssholeDesign where it nestled into 2K+ votes before shadow-vanishing.

    Yes, Reddit and similar are definitely responsible for a lot of suffering and pain at the expense of humans in the pursuit of profit. After it blew up and front-paged, “magically” my home page didn’t have booze related ads/subs/recs any more! What a totally mystery how that happened /s

    The post in question, and a perfect “outing” of how Reddit continually tracks and tailors the User Experience specifically to exploit human frailty for their own gains.

    Edit: Oh and the hilarious part that many people won’t let go (when shown this) is that it says it’s based on my activity in the Drunk reddit which I had never once been to, commented in, posted in, or was even aware of. So that just makes it worse.

  • It’s been like one of those long running soap operas.

    For at least the last 5 years “today’s” front page is nearly indistinguishable from “yesterday’s”.

    You can disappear for 6 months and come back and it’s exactly the same. You’ve missed nothing.

    Orange man bad, fascism bad, phobia bad, sexism bad, racism bad, bosses suck, inflation sucks, boomers suck, ooh a celebrity! Celebrity dead so sad.

  • While it is true that they were generally less prone to malware, that was not due to inherent security features/improvements over Windows, and was instead mostly function of the relative obscurity of the platform. Can’t get a virus from a downloaded game, because nobody makes made games for that platform.

    In every lab with students, all machines were regularly b0rked and when I say regularly, I mean monthly. Complete re-imaging of 200 machines every weekend ended up becoming the norm because the techs couldn’t deal with the endless destruction.

    It was really a matter of the platform having very little saturation in the market, and therefore less malware existed for it. However when in an environment with mostly Macs it was a shit show.

  • That whole “niche communities” thing never rang true for me. I mean sure, if you like cast iron you can go to the cast iron community. And see 9000 pictures of cast iron pans and people freaking out about cast iron. Or cooking… and you have to listen to THOUSANDS of recommendations for air fryers but not cooking.

    The “communities” system never worked from the word go. The site content should have been organized with weighted tags. As I find few things more nauseating than “collective intelligence” which is mostly wrong, ill-conceived, closed-minded and half-baked at best.

  • Looking at what reddit was and what Reddit is now, I genuinely can’t imagine why anybody goes there anymore. The odd time I do some nice doomscrolling, I find that >99% of the content is re-heated and re-served. Nothing there informs me anymore. Nothing there inspires me. Nothing makes me think in a new way.

    Every day the same thing ad nausea. Fascism bad. Sexism bad. Phobia bad. Musk bad. Orange man bad. Inflation bad. Boomers bad. Cats good. Name my rescue dog. Celebrity good. Celebrity dead.

    That site should be renamed Reggurgitatit.