Wow I didn’t know about that. Definitely gonna try that out and maybe contribute some templates.
Wow I didn’t know about that. Definitely gonna try that out and maybe contribute some templates.
Ahh i see. Yeah that makes sense, the void repo is huge.
I’ve used void and gentoo but i dont get this meme
Rest in peace Bram Moolenaar
sudo emerge -av firefox
Just put tape over that section, hope it helps
I understand the syntax but i dont get the joke.
Why is it censored lol
Why would I want to exit vim?
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I’m a markdown programmer and i disagree with this statement
Second rule of the dev cub: You DO NOT talk about the backlog
I remember one GitHub project that implemented some algorithm (I think it was Dijkstra’s) but only used 4 or 5 single letter variables and just kept reusing them.
There are solutions, just use a LSP or read carefully compiler/interpreter errors or run your code through a linter
Nah it’s not a CLI, it’s just an image, sorry.
OP, I really hope you mean project names and not variable or function names
Yeah. This is why I just search ‘x documentation’ and just go from there