• onlinepersona@programming.dev
    9 months ago

    So there are two points:

    1. don’t shit on people who donate their free time to make a product you can use for free with no warranty whatsoever, unless they treat you like shit
    2. many FOSS communities are toxic: I wholeheartedly agree. Fuck those that are. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

    Still point 2 does not invalidate point 1.

    I’ve had to deal with toxic ubuntu, debian, arch, nixos, rust, java, python, … communities. The ones that piss me off the most are linux communities that treat newcomers like gutter-filth, refuse to endorse GUIs, good documentation, and just a generally better newcomer experience, then wonder why there’s no “year of the linux desktop”. I hate those gatekeepers with a passion. “If you use Linux, you must learn to use the command line”, no how about you fuck off to whatever CLI cave you came from and learn to be a productive member of the community?

    As I said, I get it. But again, writing an angry bug report, demanding a new feature be implemented, writing a tirade about “how bad opensource software is” or whatever? Nah. Not OK

    Remember that joke? Ask for help and you get no response; Say linux sucks because you can’t do X and you get dozens of apologetic posts explaining step by step how to do stuff.

    Turns out there’s some truth behind that joke.

    Sad but true.

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