• JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Oh FFS. Please stop abusing the word “Nazi” for every tiny transgression against 2025-era US progressive biases. Why do Americans do this - do you not learn anything at school? Words have meanings. Whatever the reason, to compare someone who isn’t “fighting for a more just and equal society” to a “Nazi” just makes you look like a know-nothing ignoramus. It discredits whatever you have to say.

    Response to the predictable justifications. Are you all aware that Putin calls democratic Ukraine “Nazi” for exactly the reasons you’re all calling Trump one - namely, that it’s a big powerful word? Yes, I’m aware of Trump’s provocations and impulses. In other times Trump would probably have been more Mussolini than Berlusconi (i.e. a fascist). But “Nazi” is on a whole other level: it implies an apocalyptic, totalitarian, genocidal subversion of what most people consider civilization. This was actually a thing and it bears almost no connection to Trump’s brand of chaotic reactionary populism. If you know anything about history then you should know this already. To insinuate that Trumpism is Nazism is insulting to intelligence.

    • kata1yst@sh.itjust.works
      2 months ago

      Trump literally brags about studying Hitlers speeches. His father was a well known Nazi sympathizer.

      Trump often uses Nazi rhetoric and sologans. The examples of these are extremely numerous and no other broadly supported American politician has been caught as often, all but assuring dog-whistling.

      Neo-Nazis openly back Trump and are in his inner circle. They’ve been caught with swastika flags and tattoos, SS tattoos, 88 tattoos, often ending merchandise on Trump’s own websites with $X.88, lifting their arms in a Sig Heil at rallies, etc etc etc etc.

      Trump has been asked to condemn his Neo-Nazi supporters and their racial violence, and he refuses.

      If it quacks like a Nazi, acts like a Nazi, and literally claims to be a Nazi- we should call it a Nazi.

        • BluescreenOfDeath@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          And his refusal in the leadup to the 2020 election to denounce the Proud Boys.

          “Stand Back and Stand By” isn’t the kind of thing you say to a group you want nothing at all to do with.

      • JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Sure, the recesses of Trump’s mind seem to be a pretty dark place. But the guy was already president and we all know that whatever happens next, it’s not going to look anything like Germany circa 1938. You know it, I know, we all all know it. America has strong institutions, Trump is fat and lazy, and most of his followers are not even “national conservatives” let alone fascists or (ridiculously) Nazis. They’re people who voted against inflation and immigration. In the meantime, by hystericizing the language like this, you’re simultaneously making fools of yourselves and alienating people who you might otherwise persuade.

        • kata1yst@sh.itjust.works
          1 month ago

          Last time he had opposition inside his party. Powerful people who didn’t want to rock the boat, the 'old guard’s. He had a split supreme court. He had a pandemic that slowed and in many ways prevented his plans.

          Well, unfortunately, those old guard conservatives have largely been purged. The supreme court has been packed. And while pandemics are not entirely common, people have been lulled into a false sense of security and are unlikely to respond the same.

          I don’t expect us to lose our vote. But I do expect voter suppression to escalate dramatically.

          I don’t expect ethic cleansing, but I expect a lot of racial violence and escalating racial tensions.

          I don’t expect world war, but I do expect a massive erosion of global diplomacy and many minor conflicts.

          Most of the people who voted for him are largely brainwashed and uninformed or misinformed. Often times they’re scared or mistrusting rather than hateful.

          I don’t call them Nazi’s, and I sincerely hope we can bring many of them back into reality.

          But anyone who has paid attention to his rhetoric, his plans, his platform and still voted for it. Well there’s a word for people who supported the Nazi party in Germany but didn’t support the war or the ethnic cleansing. Nazis. They were called Nazis.

          • JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            So you won’t call half of your fellow citizens Nazis, but they are, in fact, Nazis? Come on. And no, even Trump is not a Nazi, sorry. A quasi-proto-neo-fascist maybe, but not a Nazi. Deporting people who entered the country illegally is not “ethnic cleansing”, let’s be serious. Apart from tariffs and border security, Trump has no discernable beliefs, he just wants to people to suck up to him. Again: it’s ugly, but it’s not “Nazi”. You’re not being serious with language and I can tell from what you write that you know this already.

            • kata1yst@sh.itjust.works
              1 month ago

              You continue to post responses to my evidence, but seem to refuse to engage with that evidence in any meaningful way.

              Further, your posts are becoming more and more pedantic, insulting, and condescending.

              I can tell you’re not invested in a respectful discussion, but rather in a platform for your ranting.

              I’ll leave you to it and won’t respond further.

              • JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
                1 month ago

                I can tell you’re not invested in a respectful discussion

                Is downvoting someone for their opinion “respectful”. Personally, I don’t do that.

    • Karyoplasma@discuss.tchncs.de
      2 months ago

      So calling minorities “vermin” and making up shit about immigrants eating the pets of US citizens is a “tiny transgression”? No, that is text book nazi propaganda fueled by hate and endorsed by idiots.

    • EldritchFeminity@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      2 months ago

      To quote the incoming administration, “We need a genocide of trans people.”

      The LGBT community was one of the first groups in the camps. Alongside the immigrants and socialists. You know the famous picture of the Nazis burning books? Those books were records from the German Center for Sexual Wellness, a repository of knowledge about sex and sexuality, and the first known medical facility to treat transgender people using hormone therapy in the 1910s.

      Maybe you should learn history before saying something like a know-nothing ignoramus and discrediting whatever you have to say. But go off about “progressive biases.” To also quote a Republican complaint, “Reality has a left-leaning bias.” Is that what you think, too?

        • EldritchFeminity@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          1 month ago

          And yet you fail to see the parallels between Trump’s rhetoric (one of Hitler’s first campaign promises was to build a wall around Germany to keep the job stealing immigrants out), his and his party’s stated goals, even his failed coup attempt (the Beer Hall Putsch sound familiar?), and the rise of Hitler’s Nazi party. Even the phrase “Make America Great Again” was used by a pro-Nazi American political group during the onset of WW2, who only disbanded after Pearl Harbor because it united the aggression of all sides of the political spectrum in the US.

          Your argument basically boils down to “They’re not oligarchs unless they come from the oligarchy region of Russia. Otherwise, they’re “sparkling billionaires.””

          You majored in this in college, while I’ve learned much of the finer details of the Nazi party because of Republican policies in the past decade. If it steps like a goose, Sig Heils like a goose, and quacks about the purity of Aryan blood, I’m sure as hell not calling it a duck because it’s an American goose and not a German one of 1910s breeding stock.

          And even in that metaphor, you could argue a direct lineage between the MAGA party and the Nazi party because the incoming president is the son of a real estate tycoon who was a German immigrant whose previous business was refining jet fuel for the Third Reich’s Me-262 Schwalbes produced by Messerschmitt.

          • JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            Yes, I see the parallels. It’s a question of degree and context. Your average MAGA hat wearer is comparable to a Nazi in the same way that your average American “democratic socialist” who cheers on the murder of a CEO is comparable to a Stalinist. Both of them are reckless fools before they’re actual Nazis and communists. If either of them got their way, bad things would happen which would surprise them as much as anyone else. I think we would do well to turn down the temperature a bit and try to understand each other rather than throw around these big insulting words that clearly we don’t really understand.

            • EldritchFeminity@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              1 month ago

              Your analogy is actually very apt because at the height of their power, the Nazi party made up a whopping 15% of the German population, IIRC.

              It doesn’t take a lot of crazies to end with a death count for a minority group so high that they only passed their pre-WW2 population levels about 15 years ago. It merely takes the indifference or implicit support of the majority. So many Americans are either one issue voters or indifferent because their rights aren’t up for debate every 4 years that the political compass has swung so extreme that in the first 6 months of (I think) 2022, there were more anti-trans bills proposed than there were days in the year at that point. I did the math, and it came out to roughly 1.2 anti-trans bills per day. The Nazis didn’t start with the gas chambers. They started with prisons and internment camps for political prisoners, LGBT people, immigrants, and anyone else they deemed “undesirable,” inspired by America’s treatment of the indigenous peoples.

              If we’re willing to call the people of Germany in WW2 Nazis or Nazi sympathizers, then we can call the “I’m a Republican, I vote for the nominee” crowd that I’ve known my entire life and the indifferent silent majority Nazi sympathizers as well, and the MAGA crowd that call for banning trans people from public spaces and to deport immigrants Nazis. They hold the same values about fascism and white supremacy, and many even wear the same outfits and fly the same flags as Nazi Germany. They’ve been marching in the streets since Trump’s first campaign. And we haven’t even talked about the white supremacist terrorist groups and militias. The FBI spends more than 50% of their time putting down white supremacist groups.

              We have been marching down the exact same path as 1910s Germany for years, and we need to call it out. Even Hitler referred to the US as the sisterland across the ocean who shared his values in Mein Kampf. In any other country, the KKK would be considered a terrorist group. Here, they’re a political activist group who almost got one of their leaders elected to a fairly major government position.

              The Democrats have spent 50 years “reaching across the aisle.” How’d that go for them in this past election? The country seems to have slipped ever further towards a Fourth Reich to me. When Republicans came out in support of Harris in swing states, she lost a large percentage of independent voters in those states - like 5% of the total voters in each state. There’s no understanding to be had with white supremacists and fascists. All they want is for people like me to die.

            • Pup Biru@aussie.zone
              1 month ago

              wow equating Nazis with communists - now there’s a false equivalence

              I think we would do well to turn down the temperature a bit and try to understand each other rather than throw around these big insulting words that clearly we don’t really understand.

              what a great way to turn down the temperature! being condescending… good work bud

              perhaps take a look at the comment votes once in a while and do some self-reflection on your communication style, if not the correctness of your statements and either say: sorry, i’m clearly miscommunicating, or sorry you’re right

              • JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
                1 month ago

                perhaps take a look at the comment votes once in a while and do some self-reflection on your communication style, if not the correctness of your statements and either say: sorry, i’m clearly miscommunicating, or sorry you’re right

                So, it turns out there are people here who believe that comment votes somehow track truth, or at least something other than the prejudices and confirmation bias of those doing the voting.

                The naivety is sad enough (internet forums have existed for 30 years - have we learned nothing?). But it’s worse than that, because it suggests that you would put aside your reasoned views, your values even, in order to fit in with whatever the mob around you thinks. No democracy can work if everyone does this. Let’s hope you’re an exception.

                Apologies for the condescension but there was no alternative here.

    • valentinesmith@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      2 months ago

      He is flirting with the alt-right. And some movements „dabble“ in nazi memorabilia to mention the most flagrant connections to it or his failure to even outright criticize Hitler.

      I know that the word Nazi is really triggering but its also true in this case. He is not said to be a Nazi himself but flirting with them. Which is factual and not really discrediting per se.

      If the only argument here is: Nazis can only be German and its a historical term that cannot ever be applied to other nations I think that belies how everyone consistently uses language in a not strict academic sense and even then there are academic papers linking him to Nazism and right ideology in general.

      And your other insinuation of saying that „anyone who isnt working for a more just and equal society“ would be applicable to Trump, his campaign and the things he platforms falls flat if you look at what his recurring talking points are. Sure let’s use the word Nazi less bit of course in association with Trump it gets used for very clear, explicit parallels. But I don’t think you really care about that if you try to frame everything as tiny transgressions by people who are just not „fighting for a more just and equal society“. If Nazi is too strong a word, what would you propose? And is the use of it logically a valid reason to discredit an opinion? On an open source platform talking about people who have English as a second or third language?

      • JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        If Nazi is too strong a word, what would you propose?

        Something that describes the phenomenon you’re talking about. “Nationalist”, “national populist”, “rightwing populist”, “hard-right reactionary”, etc etc. There are lots. No, they don’t get your blood pumping like “Nazi”, but the benefit is that they save you from looking like an ignorant extremist and might also help you be more persuasive.

    • sigmaklimgrindset@sopuli.xyz
      2 months ago

      […] to compare someone who isn’t “fighting for a more just and equal society” to a “Nazi” just makes you look like a know-nothing ignoramus.

      (emphasis mine)

      What an interesting way to describe the technocratic class that is aligning themselves with Trump. Are you up for a promotion at a FAANG, maybe? For recently rolling back some DEI policies perhaps?

    • Leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      1 month ago

      Are you trying to be wrong on every thread about this you post in? To follow up on @EldritchFeminity point about the LGBT community, one of the other groups first targeted by the Nazi’s were the disabled. Trump is on record as stating (as per his nephew) that disabled people should ‘just die’ and has openly mocked disabled people. His views are so close to 1930s/40s era Nazism as to make no real difference.

      • JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Are you trying to be wrong on every thread about this you post in?

        So you’re keeping tabs on me, I see. Maybe you’re drawing up a list of my transgressions?

          • JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            Yes and I recognize yours. But the fact that I thought you were “wrong” yesterday too is completely uninteresting to everyone else here.

            • Leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              1 month ago

              That’s why I replied directly to you. Are you new to how public, threaded conversations work?