Not a fan of TikTok, but they did this because they weren’t towing the line on the master race’s genocide as an example to others who would dare defy the racial hierarchy of the West. That seems DEEPLY problematic on EVERY level.
I could be wrong, but I believe they TikTok ban stuff was in motion before Oct. 7 (assuming that’s what you’re referring to). Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
It was proposed and fizzled back under Trump 45, but the broad bipartisan effort that wasn’t a few weirdos preening as China hawks was alllllll because they were mad the kids weren’t happy about the genocide, which clearly must be communist propaganda, not, you know, morals. Mitt Romney literally admitted it.
Not really. There are plenty of social media apps and services that aren’t toeing the line. TikTok is being targeted because of their relatioship with China.
Not a fan of TikTok, but they did this because they weren’t towing the line on the master race’s genocide as an example to others who would dare defy the racial hierarchy of the West. That seems DEEPLY problematic on EVERY level.
I could be wrong, but I believe they TikTok ban stuff was in motion before Oct. 7 (assuming that’s what you’re referring to). Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
It was proposed and fizzled back under Trump 45, but the broad bipartisan effort that wasn’t a few weirdos preening as China hawks was alllllll because they were mad the kids weren’t happy about the genocide, which clearly must be communist propaganda, not, you know, morals. Mitt Romney literally admitted it.
Sorry man, I’m not going to suddenly start giving a shit about what Mitt Romney says, just because it seems to align with my already held beliefs.
If you buy this Tik Tok thing as anything other than an assault on free speech, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Not really. There are plenty of social media apps and services that aren’t toeing the line. TikTok is being targeted because of their relatioship with China.
Mitt Romney explicitly admitted that the ban was due to TikTok not toeing the line on Palestine.
yes, trustworthy mitt
Lol, you’re suggesting he was lying about that? Antony Blinken was right next to him nodding along, is he also in on this lie?
Which ones aren’t toeing the line, and allowing discussion of Israel being engaged in genocide, without their content being taken down?
I had 4 posts taken down on FB for “Anti-semitism” because I was sharing a video covering the genocide…