Damn Daniel…
I know bluebin, I know. We are all bluebin some days
Idk about you but I oscillate between feeling like God’s vice-regent on earth to feeling like an earthworm stranded on the sidewalk once the rain has stopped.
But when you’re in one state, it’s hard to remember what it felt like to be in the other one, even if it wasn’t that long ago…
Some days I’m a dumpster fire
Classic crane wife story. You didn’t listen and looked right away didn’t you? Had you had comeback and checked soon you would be so full of inspiration right now
Ahh, the classic IKEA SOPTUNNA, a staple of the elegant home.
Well, DAN, if you were more supportive of bins, maybe they wouldn’t be so blue.
You see the real secret to a happy life are the blue bins we pass along the way.