Reminds me of a favorite Shakey Graves lyric: “Night is to day as death is to dreaming.” I love that line, even though I still don’t really know what he means. It also just flows very well in the song, so that helps.
Sounds like he had a rather dark view the night. I don’t understand it, but it sounds like he intended to contrast the positive connotations of life and day (bright, warm, ect) with the opposites. Idk, what do you think he meant?
If death is like sleeping sign me up (it’s not, but an eternal nap with the occasional dream would be pretty cozy ngl).
You just currently in one of your longer occasionally dreams. Don’t worry, we all wake up sometime.
Reminds me of a favorite Shakey Graves lyric: “Night is to day as death is to dreaming.” I love that line, even though I still don’t really know what he means. It also just flows very well in the song, so that helps.
Sounds like he had a rather dark view the night. I don’t understand it, but it sounds like he intended to contrast the positive connotations of life and day (bright, warm, ect) with the opposites. Idk, what do you think he meant?