Imagine you created your very first app. You developed the concept, workedtirelessly on the key features, design, tested it and fixed the bugs. Themoment has...
Free and open-source software (FOSS) is software that is available under a license that grants the right to use, modify, and distribute the software, modified or not, to everyone free of charge.
Free does not mean “no payment, ever”. If the source code and build toolchain are openly and completely available, but prebuilt binaries are paid-only, it still satisfies the “free as in gratis” criterion.
FOSS stands for Free Open Source Software.
It’s perfectly fine to have paid open source software. But then it’s no longer FOSS
And the “free” means “freedom”, it doesn’t mean “no price”
Free does not mean “no payment, ever”. If the source code and build toolchain are openly and completely available, but prebuilt binaries are paid-only, it still satisfies the “free as in gratis” criterion.
Unless the payment method involves proprietary software. Also online payments are service as a software substitute (SaaS)