
So curious if anyone has any tips regarding this. We have our cat litter in the washroom of the house. The current cat sand we use has a distinct smell. While we are experimenting with different types of sand, they all, so far, have some sort of smell to them. Obviously it will also smell extra bad whenever the cats use the litter box. While we do remove the litter as soon as possible, we are curious if there are ways to at least mask the smell of the sand with something else… Anyone got any tips?

  • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Step 1) Get rid of your cat, and the littler box.

    Step 2) Vacume everywhere. You’ve heard that glitter is the herpies of the art world. Well, vacume like you’re about to go on the hottest of dates, and you don’t want your date to realise that your apartment has herpies. Ok, I lost track of the analogy almost immediately, but you get the point.

    Step 3) Fabreeze. Yeah, turns out it’s not just perfume in a bottle. I found out you can even buy non-scented fabreeze, which was the original, and it just neutralizes the scents in the air. It didn’t sell well, so they added the perfumes. But it still neutralizes the odors. So once the perfume scent fades, you’re still left with an apartment with less odor. A tactic I wish my neighbors would use. I swear at this point they’re creating new foods to be the selliest to cook.

    Here, have a raw fish, thats somehow cooking, mixed with old cheese, cigar smoke, grandpa farts, and skunk spray side dipping sauce.

    Anyways, my point is, if you have a cat, your home will smell like you have a cat. That’s just part of having a cat. Just like waking up every day, and having a cats asshole in your face as you wake up. No matter how many times you push her cat butt away and say “no cat butt!”, they’ll always start your day with a cat butt in your face.

    Have a cat, or have a home without cat smell. Your choice.