Between uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, ClearURLs, Decentraleyes, and Privacy Possum, I’m having a hard time deciding which ones I actually need and which ones I don’t. Do they actually do different things, or are they largely the same?
Now commented on the built-in tracker protection in Firefox? Is it useless.
Personally I bank on uBo.
I use noscript and whitelist javascript URLs per-origin, this coupled with uBlock means even the trackers uBO doesn’t block usually don’t work
There is a great video from Techlore about hardening firefox, watch it and try some of the tips.
TLDR: uBlock Origin properly configured and some tweaks on firefox settings is good enough.
bleh. more face than actual content (where text is actually better to relay these kind of information). annoying af.
The firefox sertting labels are self explanatory, no youtube video required. Anything more, there are tons of articles and discussions threads to suit your needs.
Generally, there’s no need for anything other than uBlock Origin.
What do you think of AdNauseam?
The Firefox hardening project Arkenfox only recommends uBlock Origin. Everything else is redundant.
Ublock Origin is enough as blocker (It’s so complete in terms of filters. also it’s recommended by Mozilla, and it’s very light). Also Decentraleyes for some third-party contents. Other blockers do the same (they usually use the same blocking lists, too). I only have these two, along with setting Firefox tracking protection to Strict. I guess it’s enough. (Though, you can see UBO wiki to have more advanced blockings.)
uBlock origin and CanvasBlocker/JShelter are probably enough. There’s also uMatrix, which gives you more granular control over what to block or allow.