Surprising as new hardware hasn’t had a floppy disk drive for years and old equipment is probably running a non supported operating system which is totally vulnerable.
You might be surprised (or not) by the amount of fax machines still being used in germany. It’s not quite the same but also an ancient technology that just refuses to die here. As IT guy it drives me crazy.
When it comes to faxes, doctors and lawyers seem to be the main supporters in Australia. They have secure messaging available but cling to the insecure and antiquated fax. I’ve integrated fax into medical practice management apps and they thought it was such a step forward (after a while).
Surprising as new hardware hasn’t had a floppy disk drive for years and old equipment is probably running a non supported operating system which is totally vulnerable.
You might be surprised (or not) by the amount of fax machines still being used in germany. It’s not quite the same but also an ancient technology that just refuses to die here. As IT guy it drives me crazy.
When it comes to faxes, doctors and lawyers seem to be the main supporters in Australia. They have secure messaging available but cling to the insecure and antiquated fax. I’ve integrated fax into medical practice management apps and they thought it was such a step forward (after a while).
We turned off our fax number at our lab, to force doctors to send via email. They weren’t happy, but what was the alternative.