I really hope it’s WASM. Youtube is known to make, and break W3 standards. If Youtube did not tell Joe Q. Granny to fuck off with IE6, we would not have made the process in the web standards we made today.

I am mostly a systems guy though. Hell I use Lynx and W3M more than I use Firefox. I don’t know how to graphics and how to game. But I hope Youtube adds support to upload and monetize your own WASM game.

I recently began making ROFF in BiwaScheme. I have to use Canvas for typesetting. It’s pretty capable. But WASM is an entire, well-designed Stack VM in your browser. I hope Youtube devs will be able to push WASM, Canvas or both to the top.

Note: I am extremely anti-America-pilled, but I have nothing against people innovating at Youtube.

  • Anh Kagi@jlai.lu
    2 months ago

    I don’t know about youtube playables, but if it uses wasm, it probably uses canvas api too. That’s the way most wasm graphic libraries work. Those games may be using webgl or webgpu too.

    In my opinion, although those technologies are quite interesting and allow for even more interesting things. I’m not sure we actually need all this in a browser.