Same if they say to disable your ad blocker.
I love when they give you instructions on how to disable it. Lol, fuck you, website.
or if they try to guilt-trip you into disabling the ad blocker with a frowny face or something.
Every time you block an ad, a puppy gets hit by a truck. Is that really what you want?
Technically, I don’t block ads. I block trackers using privacy badger. If they were to just show me ads without trying to track me I’d be fine and they’d get some ad revenue. But they always put trackers in there, I see no ads and they get no money.
Ad creators hate this one weird trick!
Just a heads up, privacy badger effectively doesn’t do anything besides take up resources and make you slightly more fingerprintable as compared to simply using ublock. All of its useful behaviors were culled a few years ago, funny enough, due to fingerprinting. Its blocklist is severely out of date.
I was aware that they made that change but I didn’t know it made it worse for tracker blocking. I don’t see ads and I don’t get the external discussions such as discus so it seems to work.
I’ll check it out.
Is that really what you want?
If that is really what you want, can we interest you in our special premium membership with curated run-over-puppies content?
Every time you block an ad, a puppy gets hit by a truck. Is that really what you want?
I love puppies but I hate ads, sorry rover
And the instructions are always wrong… I’m not using AdBlock Plus, and they forget to include how to disable the PiHole 😂
Trust is broken. Ads have been abused where I have to block by default unless I already trust your website.
I’m not risking malware for some strangers advertisements.
Yeah, I agree. I never really minded ads as I just mentally ignore them so I didn’t use an ad blocker for a very long time after it was common practice. I also disagreed with the principle of ad blockers as sites need to pay their expenses.
But then they abused the data that they collected to change people’s political opinions in a way that went way beyond just your standard political ads and that was it for me.
That’s when
and the element zapper get to shine.
not just reddit. any site like that is a no go.
The worst is when companies and resutrants use “Instagram” or “Facebook” as their official webpage.
There’s a restaurant where I live that I’ve never gone to because I can’t book it without giving fuckerburg my data
You should vocalize it to the owner (or at least management) if you can. You’d be surprised what comes of it.
I did this once with a restaurant/bar owner, and she was very understanding. Once I took the time to explain how I didn’t wanna be subjected to everything that a setup like that brings, she empathized and actually got a standalone website.
Many people aren’t aware until you make em aware. And whether they feel the same or not from a consumer standpoint, at least they’ll know that there’s people out there who do care, and it affects business. And usually, if it affects business, it doesn’t matter what their personal feelings towards it are. A good business owner will be sure to adjust because they learned something new about the market.
even worse is any deals are on downloaded apps. F that. The only good effect for me with that is its an effective way to identify and avoid corporate type institutions as they are top in using it.
Call them on the telephone, and tell a human you would like to make a reservation. Telephone voice calls still work at every restaurant in my region. Also, get this, you can place take out orders that way at most places! It’s an amazing technology!
I’ve found it can also be cheaper to place the order by phone than by an online ordering (middleman) service.
especially the sites that have academic questions and solutions for that but they are locked behind an account and then a subscription.
I assume those are just straight up virus factories.
I recently got “this content is unverified, please open in our app to continue” from a Google search that lead to a random Reddit thread. Nope not gonna do that. I think I found a workable solution on stack overflow after that
You can change the url from to to bypass that 😉
The day old reddit I gone is the day it is officially dead. Reddit is appealing to the insta audience now and it sucks. I’ve talked to so many people who only recently discovered reddit and they have no idea that discussion used to drive the site. It’s a picture browsing site for them. The site is going down the tubes quickly so it can do an IPO I guess.
Not only did discussion used to drive that site, but thriving niche communities. I hired a young-ish (~25) webdev recently and he asked where I heard about a certain topic. I told him reddit and he was genuinely confused. I sent him links to r/webdev, r/selfhosted, r/sysadmin, r/datahoarder, and a handful of other recommendations. His mind was blown that reddit not only had those communities, but how deep the content was.
My point is, reddit has really leaned into the lowest common denominator audience to chase growth and has completely abandoned its nerd roots (most evidently by its API policy changes).
personal petpeeve of mine, that insta-gen as you describe it, is mentally incapable of making/uploading computer screenshots in computer specific subs (e.g. game specific subs). they upload photos of their monitor that look like ass, angled like they’re tim walker and shaken like they’re driving on cobblestone… almost like we’re back in the 00s or something.
it literally requires more effort to post a worse picture and be removeded at than simply pressing print-screen and ctrl-v on the pc.
“bUt I’m NoT uSiNg ReDdIt On My CoMpUtEr So I’m NoT lOgGeD iN”
yeah, while at that better uninstall it on your phone aswell. nothing of worth comes out of you anyways. smhI wish this were only a problem with kids. I’m a system integrator and I’m constantly asking for screenshots of HMIs for troubleshooting. It’s about 50/50 with my current client if it’s going to be a jank cell phone picture or an actual screenshot. I think it’s an uneducated portion of the population that is too dumb to give a shit. They always existed but now the barrier to posting a photo is finally low enough that they can barely step over it and us early PC users are annoyed by them.
I also go to the browser drop down settings and change to desktop mode. It’s annoying but once you zoom in a little it’s identical to mobile view lol.
Lol is this actually what’s going on over there now?
Is spez reading from the Musk playbook?
Will it be called next?
They aren’t fully auth-gating the comments yet. You can view the first 5-8 top-level comments and 2-3 comments deep on each parent. Overall, I find myself spending probably 1/5 of the time on a thread that I used to.
EDIT - This is on the mobile browser view.
Overall, I find myself spending probably 1/5 of the time on a thread that I used to.
Same here. And when I do go there I don’t engage with it at all anymore. No posting comments, no posting threads, no up or down voting anything. On mobile I don’t use the site at all anymore since Boost for Lemmy got released. Fuck em.
Occasionally I’ll go to a subreddit on mobile browser and half the time I can’t view it due to mature content. If I really care then I’ll go to old.reddit but often I’ll just back out.
there’s a firefox extension which converts all links to old.
I thought twitter reverted that decision.
Twitter seems to randomly choose which users can be viewed without an account.
old reddit still works. For now.
Did I miss something? Or just a joke about the future of reddit because obviously they will go for it at some point.
When I go to a subreddit a popup appears over similar to those news sites asking me to either login or open in app. So it’s kinda the present
That’s for NSFW communities. Since the protests, quite a lot of communities are still marked as NSFW, even if they’re not, in reality.
If you’re on mobile it will happen when you just search a question on google, no matter the subreddit
Firstly, why are you using Google? Secondly, you must be doing something else wrong because I have never seen that outside of NSFW stuff. The only time I go to reddit is on mobile via the browser when I’m searching for something, and I’m not logged into an account.
Firstly, why are you using Google?
Are you under the impression you’re talking to your 8 yr old?
That’s great that it doesn’t happen for you. For me, any time I end up on Reddit in a browser on iPhone, it gives the obnoxious “open in app or continue in browser” popup.
I use private mode in safari though, maybe it’s not saving a cookie or something.
That does not mean you need to log in. If you press continue it’ll go to the website.
I know that. I’m talking about the shitty popup.
What are you guys on about? I can view anything from reddit just fine with no account. On the 18+ prompt there should just be a regular age check disguised as a login prompt. You can still click through it to view it.
Edit: Which, after checking it because I thought I was dumb. I can view any 18+ content on reddit just fine and the prompt can even be blocked with ublock.
Edit 2: Here’s screenshots.
Notice I’m not logged in and I can interact with the content to display it.
(Yes, the ecig communities are 18+ because reddit’s infinite wisdom forced them to be a NSFW community after the vitamin e acetate snafu.)
I understand that the problem is being on mobile (and not on old.reddit). Everything might work fine on desktop.
Works fine on Firefox mobile as well with ublock installed. So I would suggest installing firefox if you can.
(I’d try other browsers to see if there’s a workaround or something, but I don’t have any others installed at the moment.)
I use Firefox and have uBlock installed. I still get an error when I click on NSFW posts. Old.reddit still works, though.
So what your saying is that one of the very tools that people used to protest, is now being used to perpetuate the very thing they were protesting?
Why am I not surprised.
deleted by creator
100% nope.
When using current reddit UI, you need to log in to “verify you are over 18”.
When using you can proceed with a simple click on “Confirm over 18”.
I also get a button along with those to continue in my browser (on mobile). I just tap to continue on Firefox, and it works (at least on any subs that are not NSFW).
Imagine creating an account just so you can find out how to fix an issue you’re having and then instantly deleting your account after seeing all the nazi shit on the front page.
Where’s the Nazi shit? I just went there and didn’t see any of that
I guess you could say that you do… not see it!
Yeah I know that one was bad. I apologize.
Time for a 10 minute mail and 123456 as a password. Take that bullshit website!
Instead of old, they should change the url to
Discord is already there. (Please don’t tell me, it’s an app. You can use it via web perfectly fine.)
You can use it via web perfectly fine
Except when they demand your phone number for access. Pathetic service.
Often times (not always) you can had between the https:// and the www to get access to it.
Also works when there is a paywall.
I use this trick all the time
I use an extension called spaywall that helps make this easy
There’s a userscript, ‘old reddit redirect’.
Nah, it’s a full on J turn and then floor it!
Is that the British version of a U turn?
You mean Twitter right? Reddit is still plenty open.
Old reddit is still open, new reddit and the mobile site have been locked down for a while now.
Give them a couple weeks