Those freedoms are: (0) the freedom to run the software as desired and for any purpose, (1) the freedom to study or change the software, (2) the freedom to redistribute copies of the software, and (3) the freedom to distribute modified copies of the software. The numbering of these four freedoms begins with zero because “Freedom 0” was added to the list after the other three, but it is considered more foundational than the others.
Usually I hate this, I’m using man for a reason, but sometimes I’m scrolling through a novel-length man page thinking that maybe most of this information needs to be anywhere else.
And sometimes the URL is broken. The man page for powertop is like that. Says “for full documentation, go to this link”, the link doesn’t work any more, and I asked the developer about it and he can’t even remember what was at the URL.
And yet it’s not the first time I’ve tried --help --verbose
“Full documentation available at httрs://blahblah”
deleted by creator
That’s usually the point at which I remove every software by those devs from my machines…
using Discord as a wanna be wiki/forum or Matrix chatroom replacement speaks volumes imo
luckily not many free/libre projects tread down that path. It’s more of an open source thing (since they don’t rly care about the 4 freedoms anyway)
Usually I hate this, I’m using man for a reason, but sometimes I’m scrolling through a novel-length man page thinking that maybe most of this information needs to be anywhere else.
And sometimes the URL is broken. The man page for powertop is like that. Says “for full documentation, go to this link”, the link doesn’t work any more, and I asked the developer about it and he can’t even remember what was at the URL.
that’s the cousin of “we regularly update our app to fix bugs”