I wonder if I can get an adapter to mount an old massive CRT to a monitor arm, and if any monitor arm has pistons that can support the thing in the first place.
Get some HDMI to VGA adapters, the kind that screw into the VGA port and then have an HDMI port. I have a bunch of old VGA monitors I use with Raspberry Pis and as test displays when working on PCs and never have to deal with the annoyances of VGA since they’re basically HDMI displays now.
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I got 4 1680x1050 monitors for 5€ each like 5 years ago and they’re still working perfectly fine
Cheap multi monitor setup gang here we go
I wonder if I can get an adapter to mount an old massive CRT to a monitor arm, and if any monitor arm has pistons that can support the thing in the first place.
Get some HDMI to VGA adapters, the kind that screw into the VGA port and then have an HDMI port. I have a bunch of old VGA monitors I use with Raspberry Pis and as test displays when working on PCs and never have to deal with the annoyances of VGA since they’re basically HDMI displays now.