Easily the best FAQ I’ve ever seen. It takes a lot of courage for a company to be this honest with fans. Just a lot of honest questions that people have ACTUALLY been asking.

Q: Why don’t you just sell things people want?

Q :Does this mean the game will be monetized more moving forward?

Q: Why hasn’t Riot Leadership helped LoR succeed?

Q: Why don’t you just kill LoR?

Really refreshing transparency compared to what we’ve been seeing from Riot.

  • retrieval4558@mander.xyz
    8 months ago

    I played LoR a good amount over the years and always enjoyed it. I switched to it after many years on Hearthstone but eventually got really tired of the shamelessness of their P2W monetization.

    LoR was always so generous to F2P players with cards and game modes. Within the past year or so, my main game mode has been path of champions so I’m not entirely disappointed to see their focus shift to that as the primary game experience.

    But the honesty in this FAQs will probably make me go drop a little money in the shop after this.