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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • California in particular – with large population centers in arid landscape – has seen some movement on xeriscaping, doing landscaping that still looks nice – even if it’s not as tolerant of being walked on. But it’s still really not a norm.

    Colorado and large parts of Texas join California in this. In Colorado it’s especially galling to see huge lawns of grass because a.) native flora are very attractive and b.) it is so god damn dry most of the year that it makes California look like wetlands, which exacerbates the issue since grass doesn’t shade the ground as effectively from the harsh sun as native plants do, resulting in the need for more frequent watering. And this is on top of summers that regularly reach the hundreds, and winters that regularly get down into the negative double digits.

    This is somewhat mitigated by two things: there are of course fewer people in Colorado than California, and much more importantly, fewer celebrities.

  • Hahaha no, he’s not even a “diet” cop (but I love that term), though he clearly fuckin thinks he is. I actually took a security guard training course when I was a teenager, and this motherfucker did everything they tell you not to do. If he saw a suspected threat, he should have called the cops and gotten to safety, according to the training. Even with a gun, you’re not supposed to use it. We got that training because guards who can wear firearms get paid more, and the agency training is would make more on us if we had our certs.

    It was just middle-manager levels of power tripping, with a gun.

  • A set of excellent counterpoints. I’d also point out that “gun nut” is quite different than “2nd Amendment nutter”. You’re into guns. Maybe the mechanics, maybe the design aspect, maybe you enjoy shooting as a hobby, maybe all of the above and more. That’s fine, if you’re also a responsible gun owner who secures their weapon, does not leave it loaded when off your person, does not point it at something they don’t intend to destroy, and so on and so forth.

    A “2nd Amendment nutter” thinks the 2nd Amendment absolves them of responsibility.