The Falklands aren’t uninhabited.
The Falklands aren’t uninhabited.
Up until the end of WW2, it was quite common to requisition suitable civilian ships into the navy and outfit them as auxiliary cruisers. (often passenger liners due to their high speeds and long range) It wasn’t uncommon for governments to subsidise suitable ships under the condition they were already built with preparations for such a conversion (mostly mounting points for a number of cruiser calibre guns).
Those auxiliary cruisers were then often put to use as convoy escorts and for commerce raiding, (Converted passenger ships being especially attractive in this capacity due to their capability of carrying extra personnel to use as prize crews to take over enemy shipping with useful cargo rather than sinking it) freeing up real warships for other tasks.
The name Caesar would never have become in any way popular without the one Julius Caesar. So Gaius Julius Caesar is to blame at least for the name of the Caesar Salad.
Moreover, they didn’t completely abandon spears, as legionaries carried two pila each. Of course, they were primarily a projectile weapon for softening up enemy formations before actual contact, but they could be used as spears if necessary.
But what should we do with the toxic byproducts of this kind of energy production?
If he had decency he would now self-expel.
Mentioning Merz and Decency in the same sentence is such grave violation of all laws of logic and human decency that it makes me want to violently expel my stomach’s contents.
Merz is a pathological liar (even more so than the usual politicians), he also has categorically denied cooperating with the AfD and even threatened anyone in the CDU to do so with expulsion from the party, only a few weeks before cooperating with them himself.
If he tells you that the sun is shining outside, better bring an umbrella and a flashlight, because most likely you’ll actually find pitch black night and pouring rain.
I know, but I don’t have any half way recent experience with it, so I don’t know whether I can recommend it. When I last checked it out some years ago, it still lacked functionality regular Ubuntu based Mint had.
I am in the same boat as you. I am still running Ubuntu (with snap removed, so I can’t comment on its current performance overhead) on a few of my machines because I couldn’t be bothered to do a reinstall with something less insane, but I’m not recommending Ubuntu to anyone anymore over the same concerns as you have.
If you want to recommend a system that runs decently out of the box and runs a lot of software, recommend Mint instead. Ubuntu used to be Debian with sane default settings that would run out of the box, nowadays Mint is Ubuntu with sane default settings that will run out of the box. Mint also doesn’t subscribe to this snap madness and is continuing to maintain a few packages Ubuntu has migrated to snap as .deb package (for instance Firefox and Chromium).
Even more so, they moved there on invitation of a French king who gave them the land and their leaders titles in return for them “dissuading” other Vikings from raiding Paris.