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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • I mean, the 6a still has 3 years of support left so whilst it is older it is hardly at the end of its supported life.

    Not everyone can change a battery in a phone, I can but I would still rather not do it on a phone that isn’t really anything special and whilst yes they could feasibly last that long I think in practical everyday use application by the time you are getting to three years of daily use it will be beaten up and physically not in great shape any more for your average user.

  • Easier indexing.

    Ability to trim each gear independently.

    Fine tuning so at each extreme on the cassette you don’t get chain rub on a front deraileur.

    Faster gear changes.

    No cables to stretch and also to give a cleaner look to the bike itself.

    Ability to mount the “shifters” wherever you like.

    Ability to run a wide range of different cassettes rather than just 11 speed for example.

    I’m with you in that it isn’t something I personally can see myself ever wanting and there are also many downsides such as the possibility of running out of battery, electrical malfunction etc. But there are many perfectly valid reasons for wanting the tech as well.

  • I do agree that it does get weaker towards the end, I think after King got hit by the car in real life the writing for this series went down hill. I enjoy the first 4 books the most, then it is a steady decline however it never reaches bad for me still and I have still read through it multiple times.

    I also enjoy the majority of his books though and a lot of the ones that tie into this universe are amazing books in their own right but the fact they build into a bigger world than that which exists within the books themselves appeals to me a lot.

    I will also look into your suggestion :p

  • “Making day to day life functionally impossible” is a bit drastic. I think that depends on each individual person, their needs both in terms of banking and privacy.

    My banking app doesn’t work on Graphene but I also couldn’t care less. I can just as easily log in to my account via my browser on my phone if I need to do something and it isn’t exactly hard, it takes all of 30 seconds more than using an app.

    I realise in some other countries you don’t have that option but were I in the same situation for me that would be enough to change banks, I don’t want to be forced to use an app for anything.

    Everyone has different lengths they are willing to go to to protect their privacy and I’m willing to make my life slightly harder where as others may not but I think saying it makes life functionally impossible is a bit of an overstatement and it needs to be judged based on individual needs.

    There is a list of what banking apps work and what don’t.I’ll post it in a top level comment for visibility.

  • No worries, I hope you find something you enjoy.

    I would say that I personally can’t stand politics in the real world or in stories so I am with you on that and I don’t believe any of the cosmere stuff focuses on politics at all. Dune is something politic heavy and whilst I made it through it eventually it took me four or five tries and I probably wouldn’t return.

    I highly recommend trying out at least the first mistborn book to see if you like it if you get to a point where you are in need of something else to read after you’ve worked your way through some other suggestions.

    Happy reading :)

  • If you like world building then check out Brandon Sanderson and his cosmere related books. They all play out within the same cosmere and all build upon that same world with different stories. I started with Mistborn and think that is still my favourite but it is a hard decision as there is a lot of good books / series.

    You could also try Stephen Kings - The Dark Tower and then go down the rabbit hole of a plethora of other books that all happen within the same world and have various different connections to The Dark Tower books and midworld.

    N.K Jemison - The Broken Earth trilogy was pretty decent in terms of building the world it was set in and I think is pretty highly regarded for that element.

    If you want a bit of space operas then I think Simon R Greens - Deathstalker books are really great and build a whole quirky universe for itself.

    Maybe check a few of those out :)