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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I put lineageos on my old OnePlus, which had started to lag so much that even the password prompt would take a minute to register my key presses. The moment I put lineage on it, it started working as if it was new and finally had security updates for the first time in 2 or so years. I now use it as a backup device, and also as a webcam for my pc using scrcpy.

  • The closest I got was by just using avalonia. I had to use winforms for my uni and convincing my teachers to allow my team to use avalonia was not easy. Avalonia is not even remotely similar to winforms. You can try setting up a VM, but I understand that it is not a real solution. I found some docs for an old version of mono which referenced some of the winforms API, but I had no luck running it.

  • thepiguy@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlNixOS for gamedev
    4 months ago
    1. Jetbrains toolbox is proprietary and I can still run it. You do have to explicitly state that you want proprietary software. You can even run random binaries if you setup nix-ld.
    2. The preferred way to do this is by creating a shell.nix for each of your projects with the dependencies defined within.
    3. Not sure about passthroughs, but qemu worked fine for me.

    As for nix Vs arch, I still prefer arch. This is not because nix is bad, but because I have used arch for a long time. I use nix on my laptop because I want that reliability, but I will probably never switch to nix on my desktop. I still find that I can debug my mistakes easier on arch, but with nix I can just git checkout oldcommit. With that being said, I do have a distrobox container with arch in my nix machine, if I really wanna install something quickly.

  • thepiguy@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlFlux pricing
    4 months ago

    Oh wow, that’s really bad wtf. I would not mind it if it meant that the employees also get paid that much extra. But by looking at another comment here, it looks to me as if that is not the case. Really sad how undeserving of our support this system is, especially in the USA.

  • Arch and endeavour should fall under the same category. You are more likely to break your system, but tinkerers love how barebones those are. I have not broken arch in the 4 years that I used it, but I did dodge a few updates which would have nuked my system. Fedora will be more stable, and it will get fewer breaking changes due to it’s point release schedule.

  • Yup, I understand that people are going to search for an installer and install it that way. What I am saying is maybe they should direct users to the snap store or something if the package they are trying to install exists on there already. Pretty non intrusive way to make sure they are doing it the right way.

    Edit: this is not me advocating for snaps btw. I don’t care what package manager anyone uses, as long as its not bricking your system.

  • Unpopular opinion, I think this should be like this if there exists a snap or a package in the repo for it. Even if this is a bug. Maybe they should make a popup educating users about how they don’t need to download installers. As for apps like discord, I believe there is a well maintained snap package available to install easily from the app center. I can’t seem to find chrome there sadly, but it is on flathub. I hope it gets a package.

    1. 72km is indeed a long distance, but by using bike for travel does not mean using bike to go from your house to your destination unlike how a lot of people think. My usual route (30km) is bike 1km to a bus station where I get on my bus, it takes me almost all the way to my destination. From there, I either get off at a stop which is a 12 minute walk to my destination, if I have plans to travel with my friends who live in the area, or I go to the city center where I take a bus. I do know someone who has to travel 115KM (71 miles) to work, but they just take one train and it brings them within walking distance of their work. And if its raining, I can just walk with an umbrella, get on a tram, and go on from there. By the way, my travel is usually around €150 per month, which is a fixed cost as I have a monthly subscription for the travel. It would be around €500 I think for my friend.
    2. Assuming you are from USA because of miles. A rail network does not need to be placed on every inch of your land. Public transport follows a hierarchy, same as your roads. You don’t have your interstate network taking you to every little corner now do you? Trains are similar. Trains connect major cities. Metro connects up the suburbs and all the distant yet important areas and busses and trams and bikes are for local transport. As for the cost, according to reports from 2016, the total infrastructure costs for rail networks in the EU were €80 billion, while the same for road networks was about €184 billion. Source Am I saying these numbers are conclusive? Absolutely not, European countries in general have prioritised better public transport infrastructure for a long time, and fixing existing infrastructure is a huge undertaking, one which requires a lot of manpower and expert engineers.
    3. And how are you getting this cello in your car? Also, renting a van to use when moving is pretty cheap if you didn’t know! No need to pay quarterly taxes and if the person before you was kind enough, you don’t even need to pay for fuel (although you should leave rented cars with the fuel you got it with). Don’t tell me you trust 16 year olds who just got their license to not hit your car when you are transporting something worth more than your life in the rain.
    4. Actually, most families in the Netherlands already do that. We use bakfiets here.
    5. Maybe you should go talk to your friends or something, have a beer maybe. Walk to the local pub and- oh wait, my bad, I forgot that walking to someplace probably will be lethal where you come from with all those cars. Try to be a bit more positive. And you did not answer my question either, just started insulting me, which was very uncalled for I should say. Its like shooting a man because he stole a $5 sandwich from your store. Anyways, I hope this answer clears your doubts regarding my views on your questions, and I do hope to actually get my question answered instead of getting more stupid questions and insults.

  • Recently my parents got a car for emergency situations (like dropping my sister to school when busses are cancelled and she can’t bike because of rain). And when I did the research for a car with them, I realised just how good cars with sub 1L engines are (3-4l per 100km in the city). Sure, they are not gonna be fast, but they are still faster than the speed limit of 120km/h on our highways here. I am personally hoping to buy a rx8 or a na miata soon for enthusiast reasons. Modern transport should be 100% public.

    Edit: grammar and spelling