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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • There’s no point looking for logic. These people truly believe granting a licence restricts the rights of people who don’t agree to the licence, which is the exact opposite of what licenses do. It’s blatant misinformation but if you call them out on it (even by quoting their own link) they literally think you’re an astroturfer for AI, because that makes more sense to them than the fact they’re obviously wrong.

  • with extras like […] no lockscreen ads

    What the fuck? Why is that an extra not just the default? It’s great that this product isn’t riddled with ads, but that’s like saying it’s great a burger is not made of human shit; it’s crazy that anyone would tolerate a shit-burger in the first place.

    Maybe ads are normal in the e-reader space for some reason, but that’s just insane to me.

  • So your argument is that stealing $10 ten times can’t be compared to stealing $100 once? That’s obviously nonsense.

    You’ve still not addressed the fact you said wage theft is “groups [following] the laws of economics” but other theft is “individuals who commit a crime”. This is what you were being criticised for. Just so we’re absolutely clear: you separated theft into two distinct categories, one “following the laws of economics” (ie wage theft) and another “individuals who commit a crime” (ie other theft). This would mean wage theft is not committing a crime. You even literally put “crime” in scare quotes when referring to wage theft. This is what you are being criticised for. Nothing else. Not anything that you later brought up and nobody else commented on. Just that one view that you said, by yourself, unrelated to the data presented or the source of that data.

    You downplayed wage theft as a crime.

    Nobody’s talking about you asking for sources or commenting on specific aspects of the data because it’s not what people are pissed about. This is like if you draw a cock and balls on the Mona Lisa but when people yell at you you just refuse to acknowledge it and keep talking about your time in art school. Nobody cares about art school, it’s all about the cock and balls.

  • I literally quoted the part where you said that wage theft was “groups of people that follow the laws of economics” and other types of theft being compared was “individuals who commit a crime”. The only reasonable interpretation is that you believe wage theft isn’t a crime; you are, at best, downplaying wage theft as an issue. If there’s a misunderstanding it stems entirely from you saying exactly the thing you’re being accused of saying.

    You also said, and once again I’ll quote you directly:

    Stealing “wages” also shouldn’t be treated the same as stealing everything out of someone’s pocket - are we talking a dollar per day?

    But why not? In what way is someone stealing $100 from your wallet worse than your employer stealing $100 from your paycheck? I’d argue wage theft is in fact worse; that’s someone with power stealing from those they have power over. That is not a good thing.

    I’d also like to point out that so far nobody has criticised you for asking for sources, that’s just deflection. You’re being criticised for the views you personally expressed in this thread.

  • This may have been true historically but I’m not sure it still holds up. I switched to Linux Mint as my regular OS a while back and the only driver issue I’ve had was that the installer didnt properly install my wifi card’s proprietary driver (which was working during live boot from usb), so I had to tether to my phone to download the driver through the driver manager. It even installed Nvidia drivers just fine.

    It might still be an issue for more barebones or heavily customisable systems but I’m fairly certain nobody’s recommending people switch to Arch for their first Linux experience.