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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • Reality is a team sport, to some people. They don’t mean things when they say words. They’re just signalling loyalty to their ingroup hierarchy, and playing a dominance game where they get to decide what’s true. It’s not a judgement call. In their worldview there is no objective means to evaluate claims. There’s just whatever their guy says, and whatever our guy says, and their guy is right because he’s their guy.

    So please stop falling for it when they declare themselves fiscal experts. They don’t give the slightest shit. They’re just shuffling cards. It’s another song and dance they do, to grasp for narrative legitimacy. Nothing else exists in their moral universe.

  • Exploiting trust is worse. That parasocial z-list celebrity isn’t recommending something - they were paid to read corporate propaganda.

    The most painful version of this is Lindsey Ellis’s video on “Manufacturing Authenticity.” It ends with a deep sigh and an ad read. The brand knew she was doing a video about how brands pay the popular kids to shill their whatever, and they did not care, because all that matters is getting a known face to say the words.