So that’s the trick to defeating American imperialism, pointy sticks.
So that’s the trick to defeating American imperialism, pointy sticks.
Yeah, the company that donated one million dollar to a mfer that promised nothing but fascism is not fascist…
We need a community called “Capitalism Gone Wild”.
“You almost ran over a five year old with your oversized vehicle, thanks for breaking! This segment is brought to you thanks to BetterHelp…”
Fortunately LibreTube and NewPipe exist 👍
Can I learn to play the Kazooie?
I think me not eating meat anymore has a lot to do with the way I perceive Subway, I remember trying their meatball sandwich a couple of times and not liking it, it tasted weird to me but I know people who liked it so I didn’t pay much attention to it. Nowadays I just order a sandwich stuffed with as many vegetables as possible, or their soy protein one.
That honestly sucks, I hope you haven’t had any more negative experiences like that since then (at Subway or elsewhere), nowadays I take home cooking over everything, it’s a lot of work tho.
I’m not in the US so chances are by going to Subway we both would have different experiences, years ago I worked near a Subway so I stopped by all the time, their salami sandwich was maybe the one I ordered the most, it was OK.
Really? I can understand that. IDK how different Subway is in America (or any other country for that matter) but in here I don’t see any issue with their bread, or at least I haven’t had any so far.
I cannot speak for all Subways over the world but here where I’m located, and according to my own experience, they seem to be fresh.
And at the end of the day it’s just a sandwich, made with fresh ingredients, how can that be even bad?
I have to start with the first entry so I can see how the franchise evolved over time, for example, I recently started playing the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games, I have played the first three games from each franchise and that has helped me to understand the good, the bad, and the ugly from each entry.