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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Why should trans women be excluded for being above average but other women who are above average shouldn’t be?

    Because by nature of their transition, they don’t fit in a single cleanly defined category. We should just change the definition to say: Those with XX chromosomal pairs. Because you can’t change those. Nice and simple. Anyone with double-X chromosomes, good deal. Anyone with XY - goes into the “open” category - which is by default, the ones usually with mostly men in them.

  • It’s objectively the truth that sex is another class category created by humans to sort people and enforce a hierarchy of sex.

    This is patently false. It was a category to distinguish between two observable variations of human. The category of man/woman existed in the annals of history far beyond what we know today. Before we were humans, we knew instinctively what a man/woman was. You see these systems in herding species already. Don’t give me this “we created this division just so we could dunk on others” bullcrap.

  • kitnaht@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldLinux best
    19 days ago


    80% on Tier 3 or lower for Proton Click Play. That’s not a small number. That means a majority of games, have bugs, crashing issues, things that cause them to be unplayable or glitchy…

    So I repeat…

    A lot of good those benchmarks do when only 20% of the games are playable to the same degree…

    Great, you have success with it. But your anecdotal evidence does not make a solid claim to base things upon.

  • kitnaht@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldLinux best
    19 days ago

    From a benchmark perspective this has shown to be false in some or many areas.

    A great lot of good those benchmarks are going to to when your game doesn’t run AT ALL. This is such a non-argument it’s not even funny at this point.

    It’s great to be an open source advocate, but this argument crosses the line into zealotry. It has very little basis in the reality of things.

    Do I want Microsoft to die a quick and painful death? Absolutely. Is Linux the superior choice in all situations – absolutely not.

  • kitnaht@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldLinux best
    22 days ago

    Use whatever works for you. Linux can be a pain in the ass sometimes. If your moral fiber isn’t strong enough to override your need for sanity, sometimes you just need to use what has the path of least resistance.

    If you’re using it mostly for gaming, Windows is going to be the superior choice. Microsoft has just simply ensured that lock-in. Things are certainly changing, thanks to Valve; but don’t feel afraid to try Linux out without dumping your whole life into it. Get a SBC (Single board computer) and run some Linux services on it - IRC bouncers, mail servers, buy a domain name and practice reverse proxies, virtual machines, etc.

    There is room for both…until you’ve decided that Microsoft has stepped over that line you’ve drawn in the sand; then you can convince yourself to dive headlong into Linux full-time.

    Regardless, Linux has already won. It runs the internet. It runs near every network device you own. You probably even have Linux running on something you had no idea was running it; Cameras, lower levels of consumer devices, etc. If the only bastion that Windows still has is Gaming…I think we’re doing pretty good.

  • Projectiles are a part of human nature. We’ve always thrown spears, rocks, etc – firearms are just an extension of our better understanding of the world. I know of barely anything else that uses explosive charges that is as widely applicable to the general public. Roofing nail guns? But that’s such a niche subject, it’s not something people are really worried about trying to make with 3D printing. Believe me, if I had a better engineering challenge for 3D printing, I’d be suggesting it. But nothing quite hits like containing an explosive charge, and utilizing the energy in a way that performs work without destroying itself.