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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • No clue, all i know is that i never have to do more than that, and noone has managed to get it working on windows 🤷‍♂️

    When i started learning programming, everything was always a pain to set up, needed to install weird IDEs from shady websites and they only worked half the time. Then a friend showed me linux where stuff just worked out of the box, just slap some code in a textfile and compile it, i never looked back (was working in c/c++ but from what i’ve seen it’s not much better for python)

  • Display manager I thought the d stood for Desktop, but i’m thinking of de, i see i’ve been mixing up terms, i’ve also been under the incorrect understanding that window managers and desktop environments were mutually exclusive, e.g. a desktop environment like xfce would conflict with a window manager like i3

    Those scripts look cleaner than mine, perhaps i should give it another go, i’m currently on ubuntu, but many of the packets being 15 years out of date is starting to get annoying, i miss aur with its [xxx]-git packages

  • Quickswitch or automatic switch to a different profile, i often found myself enabling an external display and disabling the built-in one, then when packing down my laptop i forgot to manually configure the built in, meaning when i got home i had a laptop with a blank screen, Sometimes i was able to log in, open a terminal and enable the screen, other times i would have to reboot it. Something that could automatically enable the builtin if no external display is connected would’ve gone a long way for my usecase (my attempts at writing scripts for that never worked from what i recall, something got messed up when going to sleep)

    Doesn’t xfce use a dm? What kind of display configuration does it give? A gui for manually configuring the layout or something more?

  • Based on my search when i looked into arandr earlier, and also my search now, it cannot :( looks like it’s just a graphical interface for xrand

    But looks like there’s a different project, autorandr, that looks promising, it won’t automatically run when a display is connected or disconnected, but that’s easy enough to do with an udev rule or something