Yes, I agree. As far as I can tell, these are compiled by an actual human, Darryl Mott, and the quality shows.
I’m mostly in the same boat as you. I have tried several times to get into Critical Role since everyone raves about it, plus a few others. It’s not for me. I suppose it’s because I don’t have any emotional connection with the actual play where I would have that investment with my own game. I will say that I did enjoy Dungeons & Daddies though, but that show is more like listening to a comedy podcast about fantasy rather than an actual play.
Thanks for taking the time to write that.
I bought the PDFs when they were on sale but have not yet played. This was helpful, thanks!
This is excellent. Most of the answers here are what game to play, in other words, what mechanics can be used to force the horror feeling. This is purely about narrative, which can apply to any system. Thank you for sharing.