Been a student. Been a clerk. Been a salesperson. Been a manager. Been a teacher. Been an expatriate. Am a husband, father, and chronicle.
When they were handing out the disaster lunchboxes, I heard a person in line say, “they had better offer alternative milk” as though offering oat, almond, and soy like they were at Starfucks was the priority in a hurricane. I get it. Some people can’t process lactose. My partner can’t. Nor can she handle gluten. She, at the same time, realizes that her dietary needs might play second string to 230 km/h wind and a legit deluge. She took her white bread and cheese sandwich, milk and cereal, banana, and Oreos and dealt with it. She was more concerned with all of us being alive at the end of the day and wanting to help the staff get home to their families.
Should the UNSG also have said nothing?
I’ll print more legibly in the future.
That’s just how I process information. Pencil in hand and post-its are easy to find in my house. They end up in notebooks with more writing. Better, by far, than on back of some envelope or on my kids’ school work like my parents used to do.
Also, made you look.
Ding ding. Correct.
That’s the one. I’m holding off on watching the ending. After I see it, this meme will be broken for me.
I’ll finish watching the dishes, and then I’ll view the ending.
US society sees a woman exercising self-empowerment as a reason to cancel her.
It’s not necessarily about being sexual,l. It’s about subverting misogynistic, capitalistic patriarchy with the only totally exclusive resource she has.
She’d have been shamed, imprisoned, ostracized, and burned as a witch in 1624.
She’d have been shamed, imprisoned, and ostracized in 1724, 1824, and 1924.
So, her being shamed and ostracized and her job loss in 2024 is viewed as “progress” in America.
e: Yes, I admit, OF is another element of the patriarchy, servicing the male gaze and devaluing women to the level of exploiting women’s bodies. The system is what it is until it isn’t. America should be paying teachers more and celebrities — of all categories — less. Until then, this is the world we live in. The best that some of us can do is subvert the system.
The Long Kiss Goodnight is a pretty straightforward action movie from 1996 starring Geena Davis in the lead. Samuel L. Jackson co-stars.
Working backward from there:
La Femme Nikita (1990) and the American remake Point of No Return (1994)
Foxy Brown (1974) and Coffy (1973) are offerings from the blaxploitation angle.
And instrumentals.