Troll honeypot, apparently.
Suggested blocks:
Please. Think of the shareholders!
upvote this wherever you get your federated content.
Using matrix would be better. Server plugins can publish channels like a public blog, viewable in a web browser.
my neck. my back. my…
linux users when they meet mac os users.
landlords with corporate money and lobbyists, I imagine. hopefully some change can happen on a city level.
Seems sensible to me.
Unless that’s what I just described (a land value tax), I’m not sure what you’re saying here.
I am fine with demoing the buidlings and creating new apartments / condos if that’s what it takes. It just seems like this wouldn’t be true for all buildings, but maybe most. You’re right that the owners of these properties are placing a huge bet on their buildings being used for commercial use again. The city should tax vacant buildings higher to discourage squatting on these properties by commercial investors.
convert office buildings into apartments. it’s a start.
Federation is just a protocol or a shared language so that other activitypub-federated services can act as a user on that instance. Most activitypub software include the ability to block instances for any particular reason. Further, most activitypub software include the ability to host private instances. Nothing about this is against how federation or the fediverse works. It could be considered a dick move, but I think that refers more to federetiquette than the fediverse itself.
can someone please explain how one site existing causes other sites to fail? that’s not generally how it works.
Dexter looks super sweet. They remind me of my boy who passed away a few years ago. I’ve had a few cats pass now and with each passing I am learning things I wish I knew sooner. One of those things was trying to keep senior cats hydrated. I didn’t realise older kitties should not get dry food, only wet. With this boy I gave him some electrolyte hydration packs for cats and wet food and tried to give fluids often but didn’t keep up well enough. in the end it was the vet overusing methamizole when he didn’t need it. The whole reason I am writing this though is because our now only cat doesn’t tolerate fluids but loves having their wet food mixed with an equal portion of water, making it into a bit of a soup. It took me 3 cats to realize this so I wanted to pass it along in case it helps Dexter in their older years.
I talk to god with temple os btw