• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2022


  • Thanks for the detailed reply :)

    I agree with all your points, it is misleading and potentially harmful to use a strong term like spyware to refer to all of those things, without further context. I guess I’m still used to a couple of tech circles where people would jokingly throw ‘spyware’ around to describe anything and everything, so I didn’t realize how misleading it really is. Especially when it’s applied to things like automatic updates, which only the most extreme security models consider more of a risk than a security feature.

  • That website is […] full of verifiably false information

    Could you please provide and example or two? I wish to verify it, since I didn’t notice any last time I checked the site.

    they act as if any and all [unprompted] connections a browser makes are automatically bad and “spying”.

    They’re very clear that this is their approach (bold text on the home page). Even if you disagree with their definition, that doesn’t make the site bad. And there are many valid situations where a threat model should be this strict, consider anti-government activists in any country.

    They even claim that Tor Browser is a “spyware”.

    It says “Not Spyware”. https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/tor

  • comfy@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlHmmmm
    9 months ago

    Honestly, trying to find a definitive ‘in the right’ of any large-scale conflict is tough, almost moot. Especially since moral values like ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are subjective, and that small groups of powerful people may not represent a whole. Complex reality doesn’t fall neatly into these ideals of right and wrong.

  • comfy@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlHmmmm
    9 months ago

    It’s very narrow-scope to frame this conflict as just about one attack at a music concert, and furthermore to think that a decades-long invasion, colonization and blockade shouldn’t be compared to other acts of colonialism.

    Also, please read the community rules before posting, there are only two of them.

  • In reality, it would be more like a series of lines on different topics weighted differently by an individuals priorities so no singular generic representation will ever be truly good enough.

    In reality, there are no lines. And that’s exactly why I say, it’s not a step forward to add another vague idealist axis on top of a vague undefined idealist axis. Politics is not geometrical, there isn’t a concept of ordered values. The entire method of thinking is wrong, and that video helps explain what a more appropriate alternative model based on human history is like.

    Adding an axis is just walking forward down a wrong path; a move in the wrong direction by suggesting the issue is about how much fidelity we have.