I’m sure you can install an HP anywhere concentrator and remote into the machines from home, networking has solutions for things like this.
I’m sure you can install an HP anywhere concentrator and remote into the machines from home, networking has solutions for things like this.
In your part of the world there’s no cops, no one owns firearms, and there’s just no crime?
Absolutely not, I’m all for defunding the police but if your idea of a peaceful country doesn’t involve someone owning and being willing to defend themselves with firearms you’re just living in a fantasy where crime just magically doesn’t exist.
Three notifications on the hour and one five minutes ago, sounds like he’s a two pump chump and on round 2.
It finally hit the corner straight on.
I could see them being archival backups for TV broadcast, quite a few are still using tapes for long term archive.
Damn, if you’d actually watched the video you’d know he spends about 40 minutes covering the issues with crypto as it’s crucial to understanding NFTs.
Nice try, though.
A fraction of what it takes for thousands of machines to perform rework of the same problem.
Oh damn wikipedia, that’s never been edited by someone with an agenda before. Go look up the dictionary/CompTIA definition of a rootkit, not what some FOSS bro edited the wiki page to be.
Unfortunately you can’t get through to these people. They refuse to accept that rootkit as a security concept isn’t just an admin level process that can be hijacked, but a specifically malicious bundle of programs that embeds itself in your firmware and runs in secret.
The anticheat isn’t running secretly, as the game informs you of its use and requirement. It also doesn’t access your MoBo firmware or UEFI, merely the kernel of the OS.
No one with even the bare minimum Sec+ cert would call it a rootkit, and only those with no actual knowledge take that claim seriously.
Also the Mass Effect overhaul was cool, playing as the Reapers lol
Nothing is stopping anyone from making something predatory from some angle at some time. You’re just slippery sloping this.
Pound-seconds, I believe. Good ol’ LM giving imperial numbers to NASA.
It’s almost like a few other games that are hugely popular got released and initial launch numbers never stay that high regardless as the novelty wears off and only the really committed players come back regularly.
They had some weird moments where Tina reverted back to a flanderized version of herself depicted from the POV of someone who doesn’t understand nuance in character, then she was just the typical pissed off modern Hollywood teen archetype.
Claptrap should just be the BL2 VA if possible, no need to keep casting screen actors in VA roles.
I mean idk about Jinx, she’s more or less just a traumatized wreck with huge guns than anything, but Vi absolutely. Caitlin will get there but her upper crust naivete that’s never been challenged until she goes to Zahn kinda stifles that. Hoping she gets a bigger dose of reality and it changes her character more significantly (just not enough screentime in the last part, really) in season 2.
quietly ignores Rebel Moon and her abysmal performance, and not just the writing either.
No, they’re saying that as a person they don’t really care about it when relating to characters. We experience things as human beings, not by sexual orientation or sexual identification.
Unless the specific human experience is related to sex/gender in some way, we feel what others feel and relate to them based on the character work and related narrative elements. Not just “is man/woman, please relate.”
You gave me numbers that show how many new people are trained in maintenance, you gave zero information about how many people in the military TOTAL are maintenance personnel. I’ve explained why your numbers are meaningless already.
We don’t train people to mop the boat, everyone does that. That’s my point, every skilled technician also does the menial shit, we just take turns doing it. You don’t know that because you aren’t in the military, or you’d be aware of things like duty section and watch rotation, and how cross trained people are.
Imagine having the money and space to have someone who’s only job is swabbing a deck, ridiculous. I’ll take my experience and just fuck off I guess because someone looked up the incorrect statistic for the argument and thinks it proves their point.
Network Engineer > Network Architect > Network King
Legend says he can identify the usable IP range before witnessing the subnet mask.