• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • bitsplease@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldUpdates
    8 months ago

    I’m pretty sure the whole “iPhone as a status symbol” thing is a thing of the past - I literally can’t remember anytime in the last 5 years that anyone expressed envy at someone owning a iphone.

    I’d argue that yearly upgrades regardless of phone brand are more of the status symbol now

  • bitsplease@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldUpdates
    8 months ago

    on this site at least - you’re absolutely right, and the fact that you’re getting bombed with downvotes is pretty solid anecdotal evidence of that if nothing else lol

    Don’t get me wrong, I get just as annoyed by those who insist Apple can do no wrong as those who insist they can do no right. I just find it weird how pseudo-religious people can get about Apple. It seems like you’re not allowed to just view them as another tech company. You have to either crusade against them, or else you’re a paid apple shill

  • bitsplease@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldUpdates
    8 months ago

    They 100% did

    Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty to gripe about with apple, just like every tech company, but I swear half the complaints I hear about Apple products on lemmy are either outdated or just plain wrong

    For some reason the anti-Apple circle jerk is supercharged on Lemmy. I’ll never understand why people get themselves so worked up over a brand they never have to do business with

  • what if you lack the fragments needed to reverse engineer/reconstruct a means to access the information?

    Well that’s a different question, because now it sounds like you’re assuming that significant data loss will occur before it’s read. If the storage unit itself is damaged in the meantime to where it’s data is corrupted beyond recovery, then yes - that’s a potential total loss scenario. Assuming however that the storage unit remains intact, I don’t see how a dedicated team of smart individuals couldn’t handle it, unless their technology is somehow inferior to ours.

    It’s also worth considering that this storage unit probably won’t be their very first interactions with modern data storage systems. This may or may not be their first interaction with a data storage system that was actually written from modern times, but unless we have a total technological collapse in the intervening 10,000 years, chances are they’ll have records from our time that have been copied over however many thousands of times to make it there. Afterall, to use a much less extreme example, I don’t need to get my hands on a CD-Rom or Floppy Disk burned in 1991 to get a copy of Linux 0.01, it’s been copied over and over through the years and is now available for download online. Data will surely degrade over time, and large chunks will get lost as people stop copying things they think are no longer important, but I feel pretty confident in the idea that enough pieces will make it that far that these scientists (techno-archeologists?) won’t be starting from scratch

  • “What if the future computer systems simply aren’t compatible with the old filesystems, thus indicating nothing as being present on the storage media (if it’s even recognized as storage media to test)?”

    We’ve reconstructed archaic languages that no living person speaks from fragments of written records, I find it unlikely that we’ll be completely unable to reverse engineer an ancient file system architecture - especially since the most likely course for someone actually reading one of these 1000’s of years in the future is for the reader to be from a more technologically advanced civilization.

    Think of what modern archeologists would give to have the equivalent of a wikipedia archive from 10,000 years ago - imagine the colossal amounts of grant funding that would be thrown at the problem if we even suspected such a thing was within reach.

    Of course all the other issues about keeping the actual system safe for 10k years are totally valid, but you have to start somewhere, and getting a data storage system that can last that long even in perfect conditions is the necessary first step.

  • (I might have my facts skewed but that’s what I took away from my history classes 20 years ago)

    I don’t think the typhoid blankets your referring to (at least that’s what I assume you meant by “gifts that would harm them”) were specifically given on the “first” thanksgiving, but you’re absolutely right that it happened. Even if the first thanksgiving was 100% as advertised (which it probably wasn’t) then it was a short-lived and tiny amount of human decency in what was otherwise a straight up genocide. Nevermind that the story was more about the natives helping the settlers than vice-versa, so really we’re just celebrating the time our victims were nice to us while we were still getting ramped up on eradicating their people

  • The trouble with all these technologies is that on paper they’re super exciting, but honestly name one company in existence today you’d actually trust enough to purchase it from?

    Idk about you, but I can’t think of any, and I wouldn’t trust my govt to handle it either tbh