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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • You might be interested in git-annex (see the Bob use case).

    It has file tracking so you can - for example - “ask” a repository at drive A where some file is, and git-annex can tell you it’s on drives C and D.

    git-annex can also enforce rules like: “always have at least 3 copies of file X, and any drive will do”; “have one copy of every file at the drives in my house, and have another at the drives in my parents’ house”; or “if a file is really big, don’t store it on certain drives”.

  • Thanks for posting about this! I never thought to try this as an Akregator user, but it’s a great idea… I spent the past day getting this to work since I also use the Flatpaks; hope it helps.

    As suggested by @progandy@feddit.de, one solution is to define a custom protocol where the URL gets passed to a script that opens Firefox Reader with the URL; here’s what I’ve done:

    1. Decide on a protocol name, which the URL will be prefixed with and passed to xdg-open since that should be available to the Flatpak. I used firefox-reader as the protocol, so I put xdg-open firefox-reader://%u as the custom command (so a command Akregator would run might look like xdg-open firefox-reader://https://example.com).
    2. Define a desktop entry to support the custom protocol (you can see mine below). ~/.local/share/applications is the standard place to put these, as far as I’m aware. Since the custom protocol needs to be removed from the URL, I wrote a script (also below) to do this and then call Firefox with about:reader?url= prefixed. The script can be anywhere in $PATH.
    3. Add the desktop entry as a “default application” for opening URLs using this custom protocol. In my case, I ran xdg-mime default org.mozilla.firefox.reader.desktop x-scheme-handler/firefox-reader (org.mozilla.firefox.reader.desktop is the name of my desktop entry file).
    4. You also might have to update some mime/xdg database stuff. I had to run update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications so xdg-open would find the “Firefox Reader” desktop entry.
    My Firefox Reader desktop entry
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Firefox Reader
    Exec=open-firefox-reader.sh %u
    open-firefox-reader.sh script
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    flatpak run --user org.mozilla.firefox about:reader?url="${1#firefox-reader://}"

    If you have any other trouble or want to find more information about this since the desktop entry could probably be tweaked, here are the sources of note I used to figure this out (If I forgot a step or two writing this, they should also be present somewhere in there):

  • I’ve been having my own fun trying out NVK on Guix System so I can’t give you specific instructions (assuming you’re not using Guix), but I can tell you what you need and maybe someone else can chip in on how/if you need to do anything else on your distro:

    • Linux kernel >= 6.7
    • GSP firmware enabled via the kernel parameter nouveau.config=NvGspRm=1
    • Mesa built with the -Dvulkan-drivers=nouveau-experimental flag.

    A few notes:

    • Performance and stability of games has been fairly hit-or-miss for me. Of the 10 Vulkan games I’ve tried so far: 3 run perfectly, 3 are playable with noticeable issues, and 4 are borked.
    • NVK is Vulkan-only, but performance largely comes from the GSP firmware so you will still see a difference (huge for me) in games not using Vulkan.
    • You can override flatpaks to use the host’s Mesa version (set FLATPAK_GL_DRIVERS=host); however, there’s a bug that causes the Steam Flatpak to not work when doing this. The mesa-git-extension Flatpak exists which can also be used to replace Mesa runtimes, but it had issues building with NVK so it’s currently disabled.

    The only package I’m aware of at the moment (other than my hacked-together Guix package) is available in the AUR.

  • I use git-annex and Guix (particularly Guix Home in this case) for managing all of my data, including dotfiles. git-annex handles syncing (and backups via delivery to a Borg repo) and version management as git does, while Guix takes care of installing programs and setting up configuration files.

    I previously wrote a custom Guix service that utilized Stow as well for managing writable files, but have since replaced it with another custom Guix service that handles some cleanup processes better.

    Depending on how much you want simplicity of restoration, this approach might be on the heavier side since it’s concerned with a lot more than just dotfiles. You could replace git-annex with git to simplify the syncing part if you’re only interested in managing configuration files, though. Here’s what my Guix config looks like; the readme file shows how I would set up a system from scratch.

  • The CryFS developers have a comparison page here that might help you decide what to use. There’s a summary table at the bottom that gives a comparison of features between encryption filesystems if you don’t feel like reading through it all.

    I personally use and would recommend CryFS because it’s the only one (that I’m aware of) that plays nice with data synchronization software (i.e. doesn’t store the container as a single file) while keeping the directory structure encrypted.

  • I haven’t gotten around to trying the stable release out, but there’s one ProtonDB report - presumably for 6.0 given the post date - so far that says it works flawlessly.

    I’m guessing the situation is the same as pre-6.0, though. I participated in some of the playtests, where I got the same performance issues that I got before with the game slowing to a crawl after some time. The user on ProtonDB also has pretty beefy specs, so I couldn’t say if the performance issues were fixed, either. I’m not sure if you’re asking if it’s playable or has gotten better, so I will say that (at least for pre-6.0) it technically works regardless as long as your computer is beefy enough.

    The Proton GitHub issue for Squad might be nice to bookmark to make or check up on every once in a while; usually any issues, fixes, and updates end up there.