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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 25th, 2024


  • I understand your frustration; many of us have been there, myself included. After 20 years in engineering, I’ve come to realize a few things. The daily grind for a corporation can indeed be tedious and full of disappointments. Often, it feels like we’re just completing meaningless tasks for someone else’s vision. Our minds wander to our own projects and ideas, and it’s tempting to start prototyping those instead of focusing on work.

    This feeling of unfulfilled potential isn’t going away because we can see how much better things could be. But here’s what I remind myself: I am fortunate to have a stable job, even if it’s programming mundane things for average needs. This stability allows me the luxury of working on my own projects after hours. Without this job, I’d likely be stuck in gig work, struggling with low pay and irregular hours.

    So, I view the routine work as a necessary “tax” I pay to secure personal time for my own creative endeavors. It’s a trade-off that provides income and stability, enabling me to pursue my passions on my terms.

  • Honestly, just download/install from your package manager and then start using it. One of the best built-in modes is called Org mode. Don’t try anything crazy because it’s easy to get overwhelmed. It took me some periods of stopping and starting before things felt natural and became my daily driver.

  • I completely support you all. I find working with AI in ChatGPT has been fun overall, personally. But, I also see what MS is doing right now arguing that they need to take screen-grabs at some interval to make this all work, I think this is BS. I see how OpenAI has been doing to moderate the content AI uses to train, it has a dark side. AI and Privacy are not mutually exclusive. AI invading your privacy is a conscious choice by big tech and it is shameful, but this does not mean that AI can’t also be helpful. I like this guide, because it helps mitigate that agenda.