Maybe AFTER there is legitimate proof provided, verified by independent outside sources instead of just ‘IDF says.’ Nothing they say after the last month of indiscriminate killings will be believed. They’re met with the same kind of criticism and disdain the Hamas military brigades get.
Even then, patients and civilians still have the right to be evacuated in a humane way and timespan.
I have the same 2 cats. Yesterday I was bitching about them to my niece. Saying they got so bad, it’s like I’m the pet and they’re the owners.
They really push me around and make me do whatever they want. The tuxedo even follows me around when I’m cleaning and grumbles and shouts when their 3 litter boxes aren’t cleaned 3 times a day. There’s no use getting stricter, it’s 2 against 1 and I don’t have a fluffy belly to trick them.